TPS Faster Rockets and Gyrojets - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS Faster Rockets and Gyrojets

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: November 18, 2019

In Categories: Brand Overhauls, Rocket Launchers

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After years of playing TPS, I've found that I basically never use most Torgue weapons, outside of various named legendaries/uniques and the occasional specific part combos, because the gyrojet speed was just too much of a detriment for me. So, I figured rather than continue to never use these weapons, I should just speed 'em up and have a wider pool of weapons available to me!

This mod improves the speed of all gyrojet-based projectiles by 3x, which also affects other Torgue-barrel-provided projectiles on ARs, like grenades on Jakobs and Dahl ARs. Rocket speeds are also buffed by 3x, since I nearly always take Vladof launchers over other brands. Vladof launchers do get a buff, but only get a much-smaller 1.4x.

Many Unique/Legendary Torgues also get a buff, though those are generally more slight. A few other non-Torgue weapons snuck in here as well, such as the Too Scoops. Here's the list of specific named gear that's been given a bit of a boost:

  • 88 Fragnum
  • Badaboom
  • Berrigan
  • Cryophobia
  • Jack-o'-Cannon
  • KerBoom
  • Mongol
  • Moonface
  • Moonscaper
  • Nukem
  • Thingy
  • Too Scoops
  • Torguemada
  • Volt Thrower
  • Wombat

I am of course well aware that speeding up these projectiles is getting rid of one of the main balances meant to counteract the generally-increased damage output these weapons are capable of, but I have never been one to shy away from OP gear.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

TPS Faster Rockets and Gyrojets v1.0.0
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Improves the speed of all gyrojet-based projectiles by 3x, which also
affects other Torgue-barrel-provided projectiles on ARs, like grenades.
Rocket speeds are buffed by 3x, though Vladof RLs only get a
much-smaller 1.4x.

Many Unique/Legendary Torgues also get a buff, though those are generally more
slight.  Many have also been left alone, such as the Creamer, Flakker, etc.


v1.0.0, November 18, 2019:

  • Initial public release
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