BL2 Weapons Gear: Relics - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Relics
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- Agility Relics, by Aaron0000
- Backbone of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
- Badass Rounds / Deputy's V.Grip ++ Badge, by Kazy
- Better Aggression Relics, by Kazy
- Better Bones, by Aaron0000
- BetterMysteriousAmulet, by Aaron0000
- Blood of terramorphous rework, by Ezeith
- Bone, by SirUmnei
- BootsOfHaste, by Robeth
- Breath_&_Blood_of_Terra_Rarity, by Natsu235
- ChaoticNeutralRelic, by Nytimz
- CommandoRELIC, by Nytimz
- Deathless, by Aaron0000
- Health-Leech Moxxi's Endowment, by Aaron0000
- Heart of the Ancients, by WarMocK
- HeartOfTheTardisRelic, by Zma
- Improve Regen relic, by theNocturni
- Might, by SirUmnei
- Monster of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
- No Level Moxxi's Endowment, by Handbra
- Profanity of the Seraphs, by GoldenGizzmo
- Relic Overhaul V1.1b by Orudeon, by Orudeon
- StoneMask, by AutumnWitch
- The Replenisher, by SirUmnei
- TheTaestingRelic, by ozay3444
- VaultHunter, by Shadowevil
- White Tiger, by EdamameTV