BL2 Characters and Skills: Gaige Changes - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Characters and Skills: Gaige Changes
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- Anarchy Rework, by AutumnWitch
- Badass Rank Buff for Sabre Turret and Deathtrap, by Teratorn43906
- Buff Rational Anarchist, by Handbra
- Cooking Up Trouble Change, by AutumnWitch
- Death From Above Buff, by AutumnWitch
- DeathTrap benefits from various skills, by Coleby
- Deathtrap in FFYL v1.0.0, by Astor
- Default Deathtrap Appearance, by Coleby
- DTAIFix, by Riftedge
- Electrical Burn Buff, by AutumnWitch
- GaigeReworkV1.1, by AutumnWitch
- GaigeSkillTreeRework, by HorrorInfinity
- Interspersed Outburst Buff, by AutumnWitch
- Lazy Gaige Buffs, by Evanito
- Myelin Change, by AutumnWitch
- Potent as a Pony Change, by AutumnWitch
- Rationaliest Anarchist, by mopioid
- RationalSMASHer, by AutumnWitch
- Remove ADS Sway on Hot Mama, by HypeRabbit
- Roboteers Boost Deathtrap, by Kazy
- root, by AmNewDontBooly
- Shock Storm Change, by AutumnWitch
- Slag Make it Sparkle, by AutumnWitch
- Smaller Lighter Faster Buff, by AutumnWitch
- Smaller, Lighter, Faster into Bigger, Heavier, Faster, by Zixxyzay
- Smaller, Lighter, Faster No Magazine Penalty, by Aaron0000
- ToggleGaige, by soze
- Unstoppable Force Deathtrap Movement Speed Bonus, by SentySent