TPS ChaoticTeams - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS ChaoticTeams

Author: LightChaosman

Last Updated: November 05, 2017

In Categories: Other Gameplay Changes

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Description (from inside mod)

ChaoticTeams (v1.0) is made by FromDarkHell
Thanks to Laxlife and mopioid for helping me test this on multiple occasions.
Most class skills will be shared among all players.
This means you can have Maelstrom on Claptrap, while you have Killbot, with a bit of extra Suppresion and Faster 'n You bonus.
You could get 112% movement speed bonus with 4 Fragtraps.
Claptrap and Wolf's pets also reap the benefits of this. This means the pets will gain Faster 'n You and Quick Shot bonus.
Some things don't transfer, like Jack's Cache, and Epicenter.
Enemies also get your skills, and scale (a lot more) harsher with more players.
That means you can create enemies with Sponsored By..., or rabid stalkers / viruses with 112% extra movement speed.
Some skills on items are also transfered, like glitch effects, safeguard luneshine, amp damage, roid damage, among others.
This mod will override most skill changes made in other mods.
This means that buffs from the UCP won't be effective in most cases.
Execute this mod last, to ensure everything that can be shared, gets shared.
Teamwork is honor / An unbreakable binding / That I must respect
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