BL2 Cold Dead Hands - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Apocalyptech
Last Updated: May 22, 2020
In Categories: Enemy Changes, Loot System Overhauls
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This mod completely revamps the way in which weapons and shields are acquired during the game. Instead of dropping weapons/shields from a random loot pool, enemies will now always drop the specific gun and shield that they're using. In the default configuration, enemy gear quality is also improved considerably.
In general, these enhanced enemy drops are just about the only way to acquire weapons and shields in the game. Weapons and shields will not be found in chests, and vending machines have severely restricted inventories. Some notable exceptions include quest rewards, which are unchanged, and larger "lootsplosion" type events generated by raid bosses, endgame rewards and the like.
In the default configuration, this mod is a spiritual cousin of my own Better Loot mod. You'll be up against enemies using purples, gemstones, and even legendaries. Gear quality can be customized easily in BLCMM, so you can still play using something close to the stock Borderlands gear quality. Regardless of gear quality configuration, Badass enemies will have better gear than their ordinary counterparts.
Grenade Mods, Class Mods, and Relics will still be acquired as per usual - via world drops, chests, and the like.
NOTE: This mod has a lot of user-configurable options (detailed below in the "Configuration" section). In fact, there's 11,520 theoretically-supported permutations of the options. Needless to say, I have not thoroughly tested all combinations to ensure that everything works as it should. if you encounter strange behavior, definitely look me up on Discord, github, or email, with full details of how you've got it configured, and I can take a look.
- Requirements
- Usage/Installation
- Mod Details
- Exceptions
- Other Pool Tweaks
- Configuration
- Implications
- Compatibility
- Mod Construction / Implementation Details
- Bugs
- Ideas/TODO
- Licenses
- Changelog
BL2 Cold Dead Hands v1.1.5
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal
Enemies will always drop the exact gun/shield that they were using, and
weapons/shields are in general not otherwise findable in the world (treasure chests,
for instance, will not contain guns or shields).
In the default configuration, enemy gear is MUCH improved from stock -- you will be
fighting enemies with gemstones, E-Tech, and even legendaries, across all weapon
types. Various options for controlling the quality of gear used by enemies (and
thus available to yourself) can be found below. See the README file for full
v1.1.5 - May 22, 2020:
- Ensure that health vending machines in Southern Shelf always contain a few shields, for the mission "Shielded Favors." (Fully compatible with Jim Raven's MakeVendorsGreatAgain and theNocturni's Vendor+, mostly compatible with SirUmnei's COM Overhaul Pack and Koby's Vendors Enhanced, incompatible with Jim Raven's BL1 Vendors and Seud's Economy Fixes & Improvements.)
v1.1.4 - July 27, 2019 (commit 14f8d9ee75858a0f49d0c54fc38939cb37f022ba
- Fixed the Fire Drill so that it doesn't disappear from your inventory between runs.
v1.1.3 - July 16, 2019 (commit ba99ab3e6b1883e476ad00128201ee5a9371596f
- Support for DLC5 (Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary)
- Changed New Pandora Heavy units to use a mix of powerful shotguns instead of just the Dog, and changed them to use any variety of purple spike shields, other than just corrosive.
- If using in conjunction with UCP, the extra drops given to Cassius (Hector's Paradise) and Lt. Angvar (Amigo Sincero) have been swapped, to keep Lt. Angvar's focus on pistols.
- Altered how gemstone weapons are added - they no longer share a pool with E-Techs.
- Medical Mystery should now always reward an e-tech, instead of sometimes rewarding a gemstone
- Fixed gemstone drops so that all gemstone weapon types can drop (we'd been missing a few, previously, as it turns out)
v1.1.2-and-a-bit - June 11, 2019 (commit 1f3559e5944d249b68ea18ba67fb1d20ee678189
- FromDarkHell updated the BLCMods github to fix the majority of DLC5-related weapon part errors, which included this mod. DLC guns post-Commander-Lilith-DLC were fixed as of this update, though the version number didn't actally get bumped.
v1.1.2 - July 27, 2018 (commit 7b6a65ac43fb61276062ec2d829c6fc163979ef7
- Added more options for rocket launcher equip chances other than the binary choice from previous versions.
v1.1.1 - July 22, 2018 (commit 483c10f4e54d16b40dd4ebe8e787a0580f377d32
- Included fix, thanks to 55tumbl, so that enemies using Roid/Maylay shields receive the intended melee damage boost, instead of the extremely powerful attacks that they were doing.
- Updated bundled BL2 Early Bloomer to v1.1.1, to include a couple of items which weren't properly unlocked previously.
- Removed some outdated wording in the mod header comments
v1.1.0 - July 17, 2018 (commit 7a654f0ac8e8682814395f335ecdb6358b138984
- Converted to BLCM format (we now require BLCMM; FilterTool is not supported)
- Updated for UCP 4.1 Compatibility (various loot pool reassignments)
- Added an option to have enemy guns not drop all the time (at least at lower rarities), as we have in the TPS version of this mod. This is, more or less, BL1-style loot drops, apparently.
- Added an option to not have rocket launchers in the global equip pools, mostly for help in UVHM where facing launcher-using enemies is suuper deadly.
- Added in my BL2 Early Bloomer mod to enable all item/weapon types from the very beginning of the game.
- Forced some early-game unlocks from Early Bloomer to be active at all times, regardless of whether that option is selected, to prevent early-game enemies from having no equipment.
- Reorganized the section which disables world weapon/shield drops so that disabling weapons/shields in chests is easily toggleable via a single category.
- Specific enemy tweaks:
- Added bosses from Digistruct Peak:
- Bone Head 3.0 equips Bone Shredder / Shredifier
- Digi Doc Mercy has a 50% chance to equip the Infinity
- Digi Assassins all equip as they do in Southpaw Steam and Power
- Set Nomad Pyros to equip/drop real ARs in Normal (formerly they would only do so in TVHM+)
- Fixed Boom and Bewm to drop their shotguns properly
- Made Badass Creepers and Chubby/Tubby enemies use our unique-drop-chance selection for their unique drops
- Removed putting "real" shields on Jack's Digistruct Clones during the storyline Warrior battle, and from the Handsome Sorcerer's Clones during the Dragon Keep DLC final battle.
- Changed some enemy shield pools so they can't spawn Turtle shields, since Turtle shields can potentially cause the enemy to become literally unkillable, with the right combination of shield parts, rarity, and level:
- Midget Rats
- Laney's Dwarves
- Hyperion Hawks
- Psycho Snow Midgets
- Included necessary skinpool reassignment code in the mod itself, so we don't rely on anything from UCP.
- Fixes some errant commas in various statements (didn't affect the mod itself but was causing some syntax warnings in BLCMM)
- Cosmetic changes in Enemy Gear Quality comments:
- Ensure that reported rarity percentages report "1%" instead of "1.0%".
- Condense regular/badass percentages onto the same lines
- Alphabetized boss lists in "Boss Unique Weapon Frequency" section
v1.0.0 - June 2, 2018 (commit e69036bad26493073be7bd82207266aac77d2577
- Initial Release