Enemy name fixer - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Enemy name fixer

Author: LightChaosman

Last Updated: October 11, 2018

In Categories: General QoL, Text Changes

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Description (from inside mod)

Adjusts several enemy names so it's clear which ones drop specific loot, and which ones don't.
Made By LightChaosman
Version 1.1

Fixes the names of the biker enemies in the Torgue DLC.
With this fix it is clear which biker belongs to which gang.
This means that after this fix, all remaining burner biker variants drop the cobra.
In the vanilla game, some bikers are mistakenly named burners.

Fixes Chubby Skags not being renamed to Tubby Skags in UVHM in the Pirate DLC.

Changes the names of the Treants that do not drop the bee.
Alternatively, makes all treants drop the bee.

Changes the name of Chubby Rakk to Fat Rakk in the Torgue DLC, since they don't have the tubby loot pool.
Alternatively, can change them into actual tubbies.
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