Battlefront - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Dashiku

Last Updated: June 10, 2017

In Categories: Assault Rifles

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
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View on Github
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Description (from inside mod)

Battlefront - Replaces the Scorpio
-Meant to represent Axton
-Breaks the Pocket Rocket

-Always deals pure explosive damage (Nuke+Scorched Earth+Axton).
-Shoots rockets that deal explosive grenade splash (Scorched Earth+Steady+Battlefront).
-Splashes are small nukes because... why not? (Nuke).
-Weapon still counts as non elemental (Duty Calls)
-Increases max grenade capacity (+5)(Grenadier).
-Overall increased stats (Ranger).
-Reduces speed penalty while aiming (Expertise)

Future plans
-I want this weapon to do more damage the less grenades you have but I cannot make this work atm. Still something that might be added in the future if I figure out how to do it properly.

Parts - non-elemental locked
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