Wardcliff Coil - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Wardcliff Coil

Author: Alex

Last Updated: November 02, 2017

In Categories: Rocket Launchers

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Description (from inside mod)

Wow, a mod I actually made myself, that's pretty much a first...
It's from Destiny 2 (or Destiny 1 if you wanna call it the Dubious Volley, but whatever)
Thing's pretty good, probably a bit op, but it's replacing the Norfleet, so who really cares?
Also, this messes up rarity colors (I think? it's optional and off by default anyways oh well)
and makes the vladof rocket launcher exhaust invisible.
If anyone wants to fix that, just message me on Shadow's discord and let me know @Alex
The gibbed code I used (and that it should be part locked to) is:
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