Page Index - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
769 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- The IBEX Project
- Project
- Components of the System
- Processes
- Resources
- 2T 3D Vector magnet
- A first look at the scan server
- Access Gateway
- ActiveMQ
- Add ioc to epics hardware list
- Add sim records script
- Add support for motor extras
- Adding a Button to the Perspective Switcher
- Adding a new Windows machine to Jenkins
- Adding a Plugin or Feature to Maven Build
- Adding motor IOC to global motor moving and stop all
- Adding new cycle for nagios notifications
- Adding new modules via Git
- Adding Unit Tests
- Aeroflex
- Agilent 33220A
- Alarms
- Alert Relay
- ALF Goniometer Axes
- ALF Instrument Details
- An Introduction to Databinding
- An Introduction to Unit Testing
- Anton Paar L‐Dens 3300 Density Sensor
- AnywhereUSB
- Archive Event Log
- archive rates
- Archive Time Log
- Archive Watcher
- Arduino RKNDIO PLC control
- Astrium Chopper
- aSub records
- Asyn Interpose Functions
- ASYN Trace Masks (Debugging IOC, ASYN)
- AsynEchoDriver
- Attocube
- Auto Save Ideas
- Automated log rotation
- Automatic Needle Valve Controller
- Automation Application
- Autosave
- Autostart IBEX on Computer Restart
- Axes in IBEX
- Axis
- Background Script IOC
- Backlog Preparation
- Barndoors and Momentum Slits on MUON Front End
- Bartington
- Beam Status, Shutter, accelerator and moderator information
- Beckhoff
- Beckhoff commissioning
- Beckhoff testing
- Beckhoff troubleshooting
- Beckhoffs ‐ simulate an instrument
- BioLogic MPS 70 4 (stopped flow)
- BlockServer
- BlockServer Structure
- Blockserver Trouble Shooting
- Build Arch
- Building a windows 10 instrument machine from MDT
- Building a windows 10 MDT build server
- Building and installing uktena
- Building multiple architectures (e.g. 32 & 64 bit builds)
- building on linux
- Building the alarm server for mysql
- Building the archive engine for mysql
- Building the GUI
- Bump Strip
- CA snooper
- CAEN v895
- Calibration Files
- Catalytic Flow Reactor
- CCD100
- Cells
- Central archiver appliance
- Change Windows Theme
- Changing motor homing from SECI to IBEX convention
- Check db file
- Checkstyle setup
- CHIPIR Instrument Details
- Choppers
- CHRONUS Instrument Details
- Clearing the Motors are Moving state
- Client Architectural Design
- Client Release Tests
- Code Chats and Lightning Talks
- Code Duplication
- Coherent OBIS Laser Remote
- Collision Detection Project
- Common config upgrade steps
- Common Eclipse Issues
- Common Eclipse Tasks
- Communication layer likes and dislikes (protocol, new devices)
- Compile Errors
- Complexity of LabVIEW Drivers
- Component & Activity Stewards
- Computer Troubleshooting
- Config Checker
- Config IOC Finder
- Config Upgrader
- Configuration and Component Architecture
- Configuration Rules
- Configure Mini Inst
- Configuring a New Nicos Instrument
- Connecting a View to a PV
- Connecting to remote vi
- Containerising the Archiver Appliance
- control svcs
- Convert Record
- Converting OPI to New Style Tips and Gotchas
- Correct LV2010 registry
- Couette Cell
- CP2800 Compressors
- Create the VM to deploy
- Creating a new branch for IBEX configurations
- Creating a patch hotfix branch
- Creating a release
- Creating a script generator release
- Creating a State Machine (Sequencer)
- Creating an ISIS StreamDevice IOC
- Creating IOC wrapper VI
- Creating New Submodules in EPICS
- Creating soft motors to control real motors
- Creating the IBEX Developer Version of Eclipse
- CRISP Instrument Details
- CRISP Spin Flipper
- cron jobs and windows scheduled tasks
- Cryogenic Inc Systems
- Cryogenic SMS PSU
- Cryogenic SMS PSU design
- Cryogenics
- Cryogenics Ltd Helium Level Gauge
- CSS Archive Engine
- CSS Troubleshooting
- DAE and the ICP
- DAE Live View
- DAE Normal Log
- DAE Pre and Post commands
- Dae Spectra Updating Problem
- DAE Trouble Shooting
- Danfysik
- Dashboard
- Data Generation and Storage on Instrument PCs (NDX's)
- Data Protection
- Database Schemas
- Database Troubleshooting
- Databinding common mistakes
- Datastreaming
- Datastreaming File writing
- Datastreaming Sample Environment
- Datastreaming How To
- Debugging CSS
- Debugging memory leaks in the IBEX GUI
- Decision Log
- Delayed tickets
- Demo notes
- Dependency Updates
- Dependency updates 09 2019
- Dependency Walker
- Deploy script workflow
- Deploy the VM
- Deploying a DEBUG build IOC
- Deployment
- Deployment on an Instrument Control PC
- Deployment strategy
- Design Documents
- Designing for Colour Blindness
- DETMON Instrument Details
- Developer Server Build
- Developer Updating
- Developing NICOS
- Dictionary setup
- Differences between real Galil and simulated motor
- Disable records
- Disaster Recovery Testing
- Discourse
- DMA4500m Density Meter
- Duplicating IOCs
- Dynamic components (component switcher)
- Eclipse 4 migration notes
- Eclipse logging
- Eclipse preferences
- Eclipse RCP
- Editing the Wiki
- Edwards Turbo Instrument Controller
- Email Text Alerts from IOCS
- Embedding JavaFX views into IBEX
- EMMA Instrument Details
- EMU Instrument Details
- Emulating Devices
- ENGIN X Instrument Details
- EnginX Jaws
- EnginX Sample Positioner
- EPICS basics
- EPICS training
- Estimating Sprint Capacity
- Eurotherm
- Experimental Runs
- External Contributions
- Fermi Chopper Lifter
- Ferro Magnetic_Resonance_equipment
- First time installing and building (Windows)
- Flow control
- Fluxgates
- Friday Quality Time
- FZJ_DD_Fermi_chopper
- FZJ_Fermi_chopper
- Galil
- Galil default parameters
- Galil Homing Routine Steps
- Galil homing routines
- Galil Instrument Configuration
- Galil Userdef Records
- Galils Under SECI
- Gamry
- Gas And Liquid Handling Systems
- GEM Beamscraper Jaws
- GEM Instrument Details
- Gem Jaws Manager
- genie_python
- genie_python linter
- genie_python Troubleshooting
- Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Git Cleanup
- Git Commands
- git hub repo tools
- Git workflow
- Glossary
- Gollum wikis
- Good Ticket Writing
- Gotchas and Troubleshooting for The IBEX Script Generator
- Graphing
- Graylog
- Group3 Hall Probe
- GUI Coding
- GUI Coding Conventions
- GUI Development Workflow
- GUI Eclipse
- GUI Getting Started
- GUI Other
- GUI Testing
- GUI Troubleshooting
- GUI_Layout_persistence
- Hackathon Opening an OPI Outside of a Synoptic
- Hameg HM8123
- Handling Invalid Values
- Helium Recovery PLC
- HIFI Zero field controller
- HIFI_CRYOMAG Instrument Details
- High Level Architectural Design
- HLM General
- HLM Web Server deployment
- Homing Galils under SECI
- HRPD homing sequence
- HRPD Instrument Details
- HTS Magnet
- Humidity Controller
- IBEX Deployment on Training machine
- IBEX Ports
- IBEX Script Generator Dynamic Scripting
- ICAT Troubleshooting
- ICE Dilution Fridge
- Icon Licences
- icpconfig
- IDAaaS
- Imaging Cameras
- IMAT Instrument Details
- IMAT Lens Adjustment
- IMAT tomography stages
- In Situ DSC
- Increase VM memory
- Induction furnace
- INES Instrument Details
- Inhibitor
- Inst etc IOC
- Install Visual Studio
- Installing and Upgrading MySQL
- Installing Nicos on Windows
- Instron stress rig
- Instron stress rig MiniTower
- instrument scripts
- Instrument switching
- INTER Instrument Details
- IOC access security
- IOC And Device Trouble Shooting
- IOC crash or unexpected termination ‐ Find function from windows module offset
- IOC Descriptions
- IOC Finishing Touches
- IOC flow control settings
- IOC Generator
- IOC Libraries to include with order
- IOC message logging
- IOC Naming
- ioc pcaspy
- IOC Start Example
- IOC Startup
- IOC Testing Framework
- IOC Tips and Tricks
- IOC Utilities
- IOCs
- IRIS Instrument Details
- ISIS Environment Monitor
- ISIS Info Slack
- ISIS modules for file handling
- ISIS PV Guide
- ISISICP enabling incremental event file creation
- Issues which arise which we can not trace
- ITC 503
- ITC503 Heliox
- JASCO PU 4180 HPLC Pump
- Java 11 migration notes
- Java Resource Usage Tools
- Jaws
- Jaws and slits
- Jaws Managers
- Jenkins Build Server
- Jenkins Trouble Shooting
- Jog Galils in SECI
- Journal Viewer Data
- Julabo
- Keithley 2000
- Keithley 2001
- Keithley 2290
- Keithley 2400
- Keithley 2420 (POLARIS Thermoelectric cell)
- Keithley 2700
- Keithley 6517B
- Kepco
- Keyence LK G
- Keysight E4980AL LCR Meter
- Knauer 1050 HPLC Pump
- Knauer k 6
- LabVIEW errors
- LabVIEW memory warning in nagios
- Labview Remote
- Lakeshore 372
- Lakeshore336
- Lakeshore340
- Lakeshore350
- LARMOR Instrument Details
- LET Instrument Details
- Links and Resources
- Linmot
- Litron Laser Timing Control (Stanford DG645)
- Loading Rigs
- Local files and start up
- Log file location
- Logging from the archive
- LOQ Instrument Details
- LOTQD MSH150 Monochromator
- LSi Correlator
- Lua
- LuaCheck
- Macro Naming
- Magnets
- Making an Instrument Available from the GUI
- Making the IBEX workflow work with SSH authentication
- Malformed URL errors
- Manual System Tests
- Manual System Tests Results
- Manuals
- MAPS Instrument Details
- MARI Instrument Details
- MARI Sample Changer
- Matplotlib
- Maven and Tycho
- McLennan motors
- MCR News in Teams
- MDT (Microsoft deployment toolkit)
- MEASM905 Pressure Transducer
- Meeting Roles and Rotas
- Mercury Heliox
- MercuryiTC
- MercuryiTC Enhanced Cryostat Control
- MERLIN Instrument Details
- MERLIN, LET and WISH Oscillating radial collimators
- Metrolab PT2025 Teslameter IOC
- Mezei Spin Flipper
- Micro Epsilon confocal rangefinder
- Migrate an Instrument Control PC
- Migrating Galil motors from SECI to IBEX
- Migrating instrument configurations and scripts
- Migrating or adding a button to the E4 perspective switcher
- Mini inst Troubleshooting
- Misc System Details
- Miscellaneous Motion Control
- MK3 Chopper
- MKS_PR4000B
- Modifying Code on an instrument
- Modifying Device on an Instrument
- Modifying Plugins on a Deployed Client
- Motion Set points
- Motor IOCs
- Motors Trouble Shooting
- Mount or create IBEX VHDs
- Move Galils Under SECI
- Move GPHI
- Moxa configurator
- MOXA e12XX
- MOXAUTIL command
- Multi galil IOC
- Multimeters
- Muon Active Compensation
- MUON Front End Instrument Details
- Muon NGS Power Supply Firewall
- Muon Separator Power Supply
- MUSR Instrument Details
- MuSR Rotation control
- MuSR Steering Magnets
- MUX Instrument Details
- Nagios
- Neocera LTC 21
- Network traffic
- New Galil Driver
- New Local Git Repository
- New Starters
- Newport
- nGEM detector
- Nicos
- NICOS commands
- Nicos evaluation
- NICOS notes
- NIMA Trough
- NIMROD Instrument Details
- Nimrod Jaws Manager
- NPort install
- Obtaining access to the Instrument Hall
- Ocean Optics DH 2000 Shutter control
- OLD Manual deployment instructions (not for normal use)
- Omega_IBTHX
- Omron FINS
- openGENIE Troubleshoot
- Opening an OPI Outside of a Synoptic
- OPI Creation
- OPI programming tips and limitations
- OSIRIS Instrument Details
- Other
- Other Troubleshooting
- Our Lua Utility Functions
- Oxford Instruments IPS
- Oxford Instruments Mercury IPS
- PACE5000
- Partially Supported Devices
- Patch or hotfix an IOC
- PEARL Instrument Details
- PI Rotation Stage setup
- Pixelman
- Plan how to deploy automatically on 30 instruments
- Plan how to release to 30 instruments
- PLCs
- PM Workbook
- POLARIS Instrument Details
- Polaris Jaws
- Polarisers and Analysers
- POLREF Instrument Details
- Portable Eulerian Cradle
- Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
- Power Supplies
- Pressure Monitors
- Prioritisation of Tickets
- Processes
- Program Increment Planning
- Project Documentation
- Project Ideas
- Project Overview
- Project tools
- Providing Support
- PS Remote
- PV Connection Layer
- PV Manager and Observers Logging
- PV Naming
- PV Sets
- PV Switching
- PV Units & Standards
- PV Values
- PV with a limited range
- PVAccess gateways (p4p)
- Pydev autocomplete issue
- Python Circular Dependencies Resolution
- Python conventions
- Python dependencies
- Python versions 2 vs 3
- Quick Deploy
- Ral furnaces
- RAMAN Spectrometer
- Razorbill RP100 Strain Cell PSU
- RBService
- Rebuild Performance Counters
- Record Simulation
- Reducing Build Dependencies
- Refactoring for Observables and Writers
- Reflectometers
- Reflectometers Beam Height Calc
- Reflectometers Science
- Reflectometry Alignment
- Reflectometry Beam Blocker
- Reflectometry Beamline Object
- Reflectometry Beamline Parameters
- reflectometry bench configuration
- Reflectometry Composite Driving Layer
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 1
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 2
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 3
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 4
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 5
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 6
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 7
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Exercise 8
- Reflectometry Config Training ‐ Overview & Setup
- Reflectometry Configuration
- Reflectometry Geometry Components
- Reflectometry Glossary
- Reflectometry IOC
- Reflectometry Testing
- Reflectometry Troubleshooting and FAQ
- reflectometry_blind_script
- reflectometry_blind_script_output
- Reflectomtery IOC CRISP
- Reflectomtery IOC INTER
- Reflectomtery IOC POLREF
- Reflectomtery IOC SURF
- Register SELOGCOM in COM Plus
- Regular Demos of IBEX to Scientists
- Release based repository
- Release Single IOC
- Remote Debugging from Visual Studio
- Remote IOC archiving
- Remote IOCs
- Remote Working
- Removing or Renaming IOC module
- Resetting HOMEVAL
- Restore Motor Positions from Archive
- Retrospective Notes
- Retrospective Notes 2018.02.14
- Retrospective Notes 2018.03.14
- Retrospective Notes 2018.09.26
- Retrospective Notes 2018.10.29
- Retrospective Notes 2018.11.21
- Retrospective Notes 2018.12.20
- Retrospective Notes 2019.04.24
- Retrospective Notes 2019.09.11
- Retrospective Notes 2019.10.09
- Retrospective Notes 2019.11.06
- Retrospective Notes 2019.12.02
- Retrospective notes 2020.01.08
- Retrospective notes 2020.02.05
- Retrospective notes 2020.03.04
- Retrospective notes 2020.04.01
- Retrospective notes 2020.05.28
- Retrospective notes 2020.06.24
- Retrospective notes 2020.07.22
- Retrospective Notes 2020.08.19
- Retrospective Notes 2020.09.17
- Retrospective notes 2020.10.16
- Retrospective Notes 2020.11.11
- Retrospective notes 2020.12.16
- Retrospective notes 2021.01.06
- Retrospective notes 2021.02.03
- Retrospective notes 2021.03.03
- Retrospective notes 2021.03.31
- Retrospective notes 2021.05.05
- Retrospective notes 2021.05.26
- Retrospective notes 2021.06.23
- Retrospective notes 2021.07.21
- Retrospective notes 2021.08.25
- Retrospective notes 2021.09.22
- Retrospective notes 2021.10.28
- Retrospective notes 2021.11.17
- Retrospective notes 2021.12.15
- Retrospective notes 2022.01.05
- Retrospective notes 2022.02.02
- Retrospective notes 2022.02.23
- Retrospective notes 2022.03.23
- Retrospective notes 2022.04.20
- Retrospective notes 2022.05.18
- Retrospective notes 2022.06.15
- Retrospective notes 2022.08.10
- Retrospective notes 2022.09.07
- Retrospective notes 2022.10.05
- Retrospective notes 2022.10.26
- Retrospective notes 2022.11.23
- Retrospective notes 2023.01.04
- Retrospective notes 2023.02.01
- Retrospective notes 2023.03.08
- Retrospective notes 2023.04.12
- Retrospective notes 2023.05.10
- Retrospective notes 2023.06.07
- Retrospective notes 2023.07.12
- Retrospective notes 2023.11.01
- Retrospective Notes 2023.11.30
- Retrospective Notes 2024.01.31
- Retrospective Notes 2024.03.06
- Retrospective Notes 2024.04.03
- Retrospective Notes 2024.05.01
- Retrospective Notes 2024.05.22
- Retrospective Notes 2024.06.19
- Retrospective Notes 2024.07.17
- Retrospective Notes 2024.08.07
- Retrospective‐notes‐2023.08.09
- Retrospective‐notes‐2023.09.08
- Retrospective‐notes‐2023.10.04
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.09.04
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.10.02
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.10.30
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.11.27
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.12.18
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2025.01.07
- Retrospective‐Notes‐2025.04.02
- Reviewing Deploy Tickets
- RHEL jenkins linux dependency update
- Rheometers
- RIKEN Front End Instrument Details
- RIKEN Power Supplies
- Rotating Stirrer Rack
- Run control
- Running Automated System Tests
- Running IOCs
- Running Nicos (Script Server)
- Sample Changer Support Module
- Sample Changers
- SANDALS Instrument Details
- SANS2D apertures and guides
- SANS2D Front Beam Stop inhibit movement
- SANS2D Instrument Details
- SANS2D vacuum PLC
- SANS2D vacuum tank collision avoidance
- Schneider PLC
- Script generator
- Script generator high level design
- Script Generator Testing Environment
- Script Server Back End Design Document
- Script server design
- Script Server Front End Design Document
- Script to connect to all instruments
- Scripting use cases
- SDTest
- SECI Troubleshooting
- Sensors
- Serial Bruteforce script
- Serial Port Debug
- Serve file contents over EPICS
- Server Release Tests
- Set the raw position of the motor without moving it
- Setting up googleTest to work with EPICS build process
- Settings and Configurations
- Shared utility scripts
- Shrinking ISISICP Memory Usage on Simulated DAE machines
- Signal Generators
- SKF MB350g3 Chopper
- SKF MB4150g5 Disk Chopper Controllers
- Slow reconnection in the GUI
- SM300
- SMC100
- Smoothing Motor Readback
- Smoothing Motor Readback OLD
- Some Design thoughts for a serial or Ethernet IOC
- SP300 Potentiostat
- Spangle banner
- Specific Device IOC
- Specific Instrument Trouble Shooting
- SpeedUpBuilding
- Sprint Burn down Chart
- Sprint Ending 08 Jan 2024
- Sprint Planning
- Sprint Retrospective
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Review and Retro
- Standards & Conventions
- Stanford DG645
- Stanford SR850
- Startup and Shutdown
- Static analysis
- Static builds
- Stream Device Tips and Tricks
- SURF Instrument Details
- SXD Attocube
- SXD Instrument Details
- Synoptic Icons
- System components
- System Testing The IBEX Script Generator with Squish BDD Tools
- System Testing with Squish
- tcIOC
- TDK Lambda Genesys
- Technical Debt Stand down
- Technical debt stand down Documentation
- Technix PSU
- Tektronix AFG3XXX
- Temperature Controllers
- Temperature Jump Apparatus
- Template Substitutions
- Test Machines
- Test naming
- TestBuild Jenkins Build
- Testing Nicos
- TestSerialPort
- The Backend System
- The DatabaseServer
- The GUI
- The IBEX Script Generator
- The Journal Viewer
- The MySQL Database
- Things to know as a developer
- Thorlabs FW102C Filter Wheel
- Thurlby Thandar TTI PLP Power Supply
- Thurlby Thandar TTiEX355P Power Supply Unit
- Tickets and their Workflow
- TiZr Sample Can
- To do list for ICE dilution fridge IOC for testing on actual device
- TOSCA Instrument Details
- Tosca sample positioner
- TPG26x
- TPG36x
- TPGx00
- Training Instrument Scientists in IBEX
- Transtechnik Power Supply
- TreeSize Pro
- Triton
- trouble shooting pages
- Umbrella Tickets
- Understanding Java Licensing
- Unupdated dependencies
- Updating Instrument Machines
- Updating old galil driver
- Upgrade ISISICP
- Upgrade Java
- Upgrading to MySQL 8
- Useful tools
- Using IP rather than nport with MOXA (RFC 2217)
- Using LVDCOM
- Using Mockito for Testing in the GUI
- Using the alarm server with mysql
- Using the archive engine with mysql
- Using Visual Studio with the EPICS build system
- Utilities Library
- Vesuvio homing sequence
- VESUVIO Instrument Details
- Virtual System Creation
- Water Baths
- Watson Marlow 323 Peristaltic Pump
- Web Dashboard
- Webserver
- Weeder WTDAC M
- Wiki Checks
- WISH Instrument Details
- Working with Git and GitHub
- WPI Aladdin Syringe Pump
- WPI SP2XX Syringe Pump
- Writing An ISIS Stream Device
- Zero field controller
- Zero field controller design
- Zero Field Magnetometer IOC
- ZOOM Instrument Details
- ZOOM Script Generator Project Project Brief