Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.12.18 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
Chair | Timekeeper | Note Taker |
FA | GR | JD |
- In person: IG GR JD
Previous sprint
Security of NDX set up
- Decided not to talk about this in group meeting but rather have a meeting dedicated for it
Closing Old tickets
- Backlog has been reduced by 300 so far
- Mention of creating a list of tickets that need 'verifying'- could do this as part of standup
Pycharm Pro
- Waiting to hear back form Irene regarding getting the whole team set up
Group Mailing Lists
- There are multiple mailing list for exp controls, we should try and make them more concise
- Having a sharepoint mailing list might be useful for letting people e.g summer student access sharepoint (CMS)
- Worth holding a meeting?
- Muons still need demoing for (JH + SC)
- Should we still provide a demo even though the next release is right around the corner?
- Its important to be interacting with users especially muons (Agile) (KB)
- Demoing to muons whilst demoing winter release could be risky. Better off apologising to group
Email support rota out of cycle
- In place (KB)
Work Exp Students
- Application put in for 2 students.
- FA concerned about desk space
- JH asked if it would be possible to have an apprentice?
- KB was concerned that we might not be eligible for one
- Make sure to be running latest MySQL and other components to begin 'testing' for a release candidate. (FA)
Current Sprint
Points added to project board (KB)
- Can now see a tickets points from repos and project board
- Additional to point labels
- Points allocated per ticket need to be the same so automation being worked on
Standup/Meeting rotas- put roles in exp controls calendar
- This would take too much time (KB + LC)
- FA Mad/Sad - HIFICRYOMAG memory being hogged by Sophos - could look at Microsoft alternatives?
- KB Mad/Sad - People outside of the team making decisions on our behalf where they shouldn't be e.g Admin by request
- FA Mad/Sad - Industrial Placement restrictions for next year
- CMS & most others Glad that Christmas Meal was organised so well and held. Sad that FA and SC couldn't make it.
- DK Glad - support rotas are working well. Needs review (FA)
- FA Glad - Log files more clear & rotating properly
- FA/JH Glad - Bluesky testing continues to be going well