OERCONE - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
The Oerlikon Centre-One pressure gauge is used to monitor pressure for NIMROD.
COM settings are a single port, 9600,8,None,1, Line Feed as termination character, No flow control.
Pressures are read by sending "PR1", waiting 100ms, then sending "05" in Hex and reading back the response in the format %d,%f into a status and Gauge value respectively. The gauge value is then displayed and plotted on a graph.
Units can be either mbar (Default), Torr, Pascal or Micron. These are read using by sending "UNI", waiting 100ms, then sending "05" in Hex and reading back the response which will contain 0 for mbar, 1 for Torr, 2 for Pascal and 3 for Micron.
Units can also be set. To do this the IOC sends "UNI,{0|1|2|3}", (with the numbers corresponding to mbar, Torr, Pascal and Micron as above), waiting 100ms, then sending "05" in Hex and reading back the response which will contain 0 for mbar, 1 for Torr, 2 for Pascal and 3 for Micron.