ActiveMQ - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > The Backend System > System components > ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ is a messaging broker that is used in a number of places throughout IBEX. Specifically it is used by:

The GUI also hooks into ActiveMQ to read/write to all these components. Previously a version of ActiveMQ was bundled with each of these backend components. However, this was modified to be a single instance that is run through procserv when the instrument is first started.

Changing the ActiveMQ ports

The default ActiveMQ ports are:

  • 39990 for the openwire protocol (used by JMS)
  • 39991 for the STOMP protocol (used by script server)

Due to port conflicts these have been changed to those listed here.

The ports used are hardcoded in a number of places so to change them they must be changed in:

  • EPICS\ISIS\ActiveMQ\master\conf\activemq.xml
  • EPICS\CSS\master\AlarmServer\alarm_server_settings.ini
  • EPICS\ISIS\IocLogServer\master\logserver_config.ini
  • Client\base\\plugin_customization.ini
  • Client\base\\src\uk\ac\stfc\isis\ibex\activemq\

It's hard to put these into a central macro as most of the configuration requires loading *.ini files.