Sprint Review - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > Processes > Sprint Review

This is a review within the team, demonstrations with our users take place with releases at the start of each program increment.


At least two working days before the review:

  1. Make a copy of SprintReview_template.pptx in the files area of the IBEX Developers MS Team General channel.
  2. Rename that copy to be SprintReview_YYYY_MM_DD.pptx for the date that the sprint started.
  3. Make the newly renamed file a tab in that channel.
  4. Edit the first slide in that newly created to tab to have the correct dates for the sprint.
  5. Remove the tab for the previous sprint review.
  6. Move the .pptx for the previous sprint review to the Past Sprint Reviews folder.
  7. Put a note in the General channel to let others know that they can now add their slides in advance of the review.


Work through the slides in the file created above. Ask if anyone has anything else to add, just in case.