SANDALS Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on SANDALS.

Background & Timeline

SANDALS is a diffractometer instrument at ISIS, on TS1. The SANDALS web page describes the background to the instrument.

Control System

SANDALS will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system in January 2018.

SANDALS Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on SANDALS. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
ISIS N/A Chopper N/A see Chopper note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS
??? 2-axis jaws see Jaws note
ISIS ??? ISIS Vacuum System see Vacuum System note
Pfeiffer TPG300 Vacuum Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Vacuum System note
Pfeiffer TPG26x Vacuum Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Vacuum Pump note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
Oxford Instruments Orange Cryostat Cryogenic System see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments Blue Cryostat Cryogenic System see Oxford Instruments note
Closed Cycle Refrigerator see CCR note
ISIS Furnace Furnace see ISIS Furnaces note
ISIS SANDALS Sample Changer Sample Changer RS-232 see SANDALS Sample Changer note
Julabo FP-50 Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
Julabo FP-52 Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
Haake ??? Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
Chell CCD100 Pressure Transducer RS-232 see Chell note
Keithley 2410 Source Meter RS-232 see Keithley note

Note: DAE

Main Detector banks + fixed monitors.

Note: Choppers

SANDALS has no choppers. A T0 chopper might be installed on SANDALS at some point in the distant future (but there are no definite plans, so for all practical purposes there are no choppers on SANDALS). Note: NIMROD does not have choppers either.

Note: There is a proposal to fit a chopper to SANDALS in February 2020. The chopper would be a SKF G5 chopper (as used on IMAT and LET - see also #1907.

Note: Jaws

SANDALS has a single set of jaws controlled by a Parker controller, which is not currently controlled by SECI. There is no requirement to support the Parker system in IBEX, although it would be very convenient if such a thing were possible.

It is proposed to replace the Parker controller with a Galil DMC4040 controller (see #3259).

Note: Vacuum System

The vacuum pressure on SANDALS is the pressure in the SANDALS tank/chamber itself. SANDALS only needs to monitor the vacuum pressure; scientists do not want to control the vacuum system from IBEX. The vacuum pressure is also displayed on a gauge mounted on the "fence" that surrounds SANDALS. TPG300 support is implemented via #216 and #2063

Note: Vacuum Pump

SANDALS uses a vacuum pump (in conjunction with CCRs). A TPG26x is used to measure the pressure. TPG26x support was originally implemented via #1411, #2379 and #2578

Note: Gate Valve PLC

SANDALS has an Omron PLC to control two gate valves, one of which has not been set up yet. GV2 is currently in use and has been set up in SANDALS' base component. The PV for the V1 valve already exists so is ready to create blocks for when it is set up correctly, but currently nothing is wired up on the PLC end. We can still read the status for it.

Note: Eurotherm

Eurotherms are used to control temperature Orange Cryostat, CCR and Furnace devices.

Note: Oxford Instruments
  1. Orange Cryostat: models to be determined. Orange cryostats are controlled via a temperature controller (e.g. Eurotherm), so nothing on the cryostat itself for IBEX to control.
    1. Orange cryostat is used occasionally on SANDALS.
  2. Blue Cryostat: models to be determined.
    1. Blue cryostat is very rarely used on SANDALS.
    2. Are these the Heliox and ITC devices?
    3. The Heliox device has a sorption insert (is that relevant to the control system?)
  3. SANDALS does not use Dilution fridges.

Note: Closed Cycle Refrigerators
  1. CCR is the most frequently used low-temperature device used in on SANDALS. CCRs. Not directly computer-controlled - controlled via Eurotherm.

Note: ISIS Furnaces

More information on IRIS Furnaces. Furnaces are controlled via a temperature controller (e.g. Eurotherm), so nothing on the furnace itself for IBEX to control.

Note: SANDALS Sample Changer

The SANDALS sample changer can hold up to 15 samples. It has recently been upgraded to use a Beckhoff PLC which controls the jaws as well.

Note: Water Bath

SANDALS uses two types of water bath, both Julabo models: FP-50 and FP-52.
See supported Julabo models for more details. SANDALS uses the FP-52 model of Julabo most frequently (used in conjunction with the Sample Changer). Sometimes SANDALS uses water as the coolant/heating medium; sometimes it uses oil or glycol as the coolant/heating medium (Julabo/Presto A40 device). SANDALS has also used Haake water bath in the past, but none of the current instrument scientists know anything about this (so it might have been a one-off).

Note: Chell

Experiments requiring pressure transducer. Chell CCD100. See also #1827. Note: also ask about Gas Panel/Baratron

Note: Keithley

Experiments requiring source meter. Keithley 2400 Source Meter. See also #1826.


Document information about SANDALS SECI configs here.

Configuration Name Sub-Configurations Last Accessed Required
SANDALS_place_holder1.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
SANDALS_place_holder2.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -

SANDALS Genie Scripts

Similarly, Document information about SANDALS SECI Genie scripts here.


Add any notes about special items of equipment, setup or conditions on SANDALS that might impact the deployment and configuration of IBEX.