Technical debt stand down Documentation - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page describes the work done as part of the documentation stand down on 2nd February 2018.

Work in progress

Updating Glossary in User Manual

  • Developer: Aidan
  • Reviewer: None
  • Current status: In progress

As a user I would like a more complete glossary for terms I may not have come across before.

Pages affected

Ready for review

IOC creation tidy up

The IOC pages are messy, I will tidy them up

Create a spell checking utility for the wikis

  • Developer: Adrian/Tom
  • Reviewer: None
  • Current status: Ready for review

As a developer, I would like the wiki to be spell checked so that I can be confident in the high quality of language use in the documentation.

I'm writing this as a general purpose unit test framework for the wikis so that we can add additional tests later on.

The code is here:

There are lots of improvements and optimisations that can still be made to the language processing, but it's a start.

Completed work

Updating info for new starters

  • Developer: Eilidh
  • Reviewer: Tom
  • Current status: Ready for review: Page Link . Linked from Dev Manual under 'New Starters'.

As a new member of the IBEX team, I'd like accessible and comprehensive info on getting started with EPICS/IBEX.

Moving between SECI and IBEX user manual page

As an instrument scientist I would like to know how to move between SECI and IBEX

Major components Page Completion

  • Developer: John
  • Reviewer: Dom
  • Current status: For review

Moved to System-components