Polaris Jaws - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > The Backend System > Specific Device IOC > Jaws and Slits > Polaris Jaws

Polaris jaws are a set of 5 jaws which work in concert to limit the beam of neutrons reaching the sample (see Jaws Manager). Jaws 1-4 are instrument user controlled and work together in a pyramid shape to reduce the beam size in stages. The gap in each jaw set is set based on its distance from the sample. There are documents stored in sharepoint. The 5 jaws are ordered 1 nearest the beam and 5 nearest the sample. Jaw set 5 is under on instrument scientist control. To change these settings the user must put the GUI into management mode.

The parameters are (with reference to the diagram in Jaws Manager):

Letter Parameter Value Notes
c Collimator position 1610 mm Distance from moderator
j1 Jaw 1 position 6502 mm Distance from moderator
j2 Jaw 2 position 9440 mm Distance from moderator
j3 Jaw 3 position 11085 mm Distance from moderator
j4 Jaw 4 position 11735 mm Distance from moderator
j5 Jaw 5 position 13175 mm Distance from moderator
s Sample position 14000 mm Distance from moderator
w Width of Collimator 82.2
h Height of Collimator 79.4
x Width at sample user set
y Height at sample user set


The control files for the polaris jaws are part of the galil motor set up and are per instrument. There is an example in ...\EPICS\support\motorExtensions\master\settings\polaris_jaws\*.cmd which would need to be copied to C:\Instrument\Settings\config\<instrument host name>\configurations\galil