Nicos - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
NICOS is a Python based control system developed at FRM-II. The general software documentation can be found here. Although NICOS is a fully fledged control system ISIS are currently only using it as a script server.
- Getting Started: How to install Nicos on Windows.
- Running Nicos: How to run Nicos.
- Instrument Configuration: How to set up and configure a new Nicos instrument.
- Script server design: The original design document for what a script server at ISIS would be required to do.
- Initial evaluation: An evaluation of Nicos and its suitability for integration into the IBEX project.
- Testing Nicos
- Nicos commands
- Developing nicos-core
- Nicos notes: Issues and developer items around NICOS including the git window it uses