Log file location - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > Trouble-shooting > Log file location

Various log file locations:

log file location what it shows
genie_python ..\Instrument\Var\logs\genie_python\genie-YYYY-MM-DD.log Every command that genie python executes (log is written before command is executed)
ISIS DAE IOC Log ..\Instrument\Var\logs\ioc\ISISDAE_01-YYYMMDD.log Shows what ISIS DAE IOC, this is controlling the isisicp
ISIS ICP Log c\Data\Export only\logs\icp\log\icp-YYYY-MM-DD-Ddd.log Shows what the isis icp data collection program is doing
ISIS ICP Putlog (Put log) C:\data\[instrument name][run number]_ICPputlog.txt Shows caputs to PV's including their new and old values