PV Naming - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
Wiki > The Backend System > IOCs > PV naming
Suggestions for naming of PVs at ISIS.
Basic idea is to describe function in the PV name, not hardware/technology - the PV name is the purpose of a channel and is abstracted from the underlying hardware; an individual IOC name can however reflect technology/hardware/implementation. Note: do not use the :
character in an IOC name.
All characters in names should be uppercase. We will use :
as hierarchy separator, _
to delimit distinct characters in device name
Basic scheme format is Domain:subdomain:technicalarea:device:subdevice:signal
PV names are restricted to alphanumerical, plus _
and :
so [A-Z0-9_:]*
Items that might have multiple instances must not end with a number as this would be confused with a 01,02 etc suffix used to enumerate multiple instances.
Several things can create PV names, which influence the PV limit. The limit of a PV name as far as channel access protocol is concerned is around the size of a UDP packet (so ~1500 chars).
On the other hand, an epics record can only create PVs of a smaller size, increased from 40 to 60 in 3.14.12 - but that limit doesn't field names as well.
Therefore, IOC PVs have a full record name limit of 60, but PVs on channel access servers can have a much longer name.
Sometimes we have a need to define PVs which are only used internally by the IOC, and never by outside programs. These "private" names will use a leading underscore on the last logically private element of a hierarchy.
For example:
# Usual temperature setpoint record
record(ao, "$(P)TEMP:SP")
# Some calculation that does something to the setpoint before it is sent to the device
record(calc, "$(P)TEMP:SP:_CALC")
field(CALC, "...")
# A record which actually writes to the device (after the calculation has been performed)
record(ao, "$(P)TEMP:SP:_RAW")
Having followed the IOC-Naming the PV will be:
- PR (max 2): Instrument prefix TE - test, IN - Instrument
- INST__CR (max 8): Instrument name max 8 characters. If the instrument name is longer than 8 characters then truncate to 6 characters and use the 2 characters CR16 hash of the instrument name e.g.
- DEVICEXX_99 (max 11): Name of the device with the device index after it. Device index is a two digit number
- PARAMETER (max 36): Parameter in the IOC e.g. a temperature readback or set point
For multiple devices, use a 2-letter prefix followed by an unpadded number (e.g. CH1). Note that this rule is not strict; there are a number of IOCs that don't follow it (e.g. Eurotherms: A01)
These are added after a signal to indicate it is a setpoint etc. So for the TEMP signal
: Current temperature -
: Temperature set point (requested value) – this is the value that was input in software and sent to the equipment. Write to this PV to change a setpoint -
(read-only): This is the setpoint “readback” from hardware, which may differ from SP sent above if e.g. the hardware was unable to exactly match the requested value. Also if the SP was changed by some other mechanism (e.g. manually on the hardware):SP
would not reflect this, but:SP:RBV
Note: RBV suffix can be used more generally e.g. For P,I,D values you could have ...:P
and ...:P:RBV
Note: For comparison, the SNS are using camel case i.e. Temp
, TempSet
and TempRB
All records should start $(P)
for prefix which can be substituted at load time. Diamond have $(P)$(Q)
for added flexibility and we may want to use this too
Some suggested top level domains – we may not want to use them all
Prefix | Function |
AC | ISIS Accelerator/synchrotron related parameter |
CS | Control system specific top level variables e.g. global IOC related variables |
TG | ISIS Target related parameter |
IN | Instrument related parameter |
HA | Experimental hall/building related parameter (e.g. cabin temperature) |
TE | Testing domain, used by local EPICS developers |
ME | Movable equipment, equipment not tied to a specific beamline |
BL | Beamline – used if multiple instruments are sharing a common set of equipment, such as on the muon beamlines pre kicker. |
: TS1 hydrogen moderator temperature -
: Alternative to above as there may be more than one temperature value! Using TC for “thermocouple” |
Mostly free format - have developers fedid as second part, then whatever required. In many cases would want to suffix with above scheme to make final integration easier e.g.
This needs to be followed by information about which beamline. For neutron instruments could use the MCR shutter port identifier (N1, N2, N3 etc.) – need to find out what they call the Muon beamline.
Should be followed by the hall identifier. We could use HA:TS1:*
etc, or be more general for possible use with any building e.g. HA:R55:*
Sub domain is full instrument name e.g GEM. If we wish to distinguish the instrument “front end” from the rest, could use *:FE
: Prefix for all variables related to GEM instrument -
: Where to record short SECI block (short/friendly) names if we use them -
: Motion control equipment - see below -
: Vacuum equipment -
: Variables related to instrument control system software - see below -
: Power supply IN:GEM:CHOP:FERMI:*
: Sample environment not covered elsewhere -
: Detector related variables -
: Instrument “fro``nt end” equipment -
: Data acquisition electronics related PVs
: Variables describing running IOCs provided by the IOC themselves -
: Autosave PVs for IOC {IOCNAME} -
: DevIOStats PVs for IOC {IOCNAME} -
: Motion specific PVs e.g.allstop
: ProcServCtrl PVs for IOC {IOCNAME} -
: Gateway special PVs for the external gateway -
: Gateway special PVs for the blockserver gateway -
: where to put scan related variables? -
: variables created by PROCSERVCTRL IOC for starting/stopping IOCs via procServ
: Epics motor records for motor on controller number cc, motor number mm. These numbers are zero padded to two digits and star from 1 e.g. MTR0101 is the first motor on the first controller -
: First set of jaws e.g. JAWS01 -
: Galil specific controller variables for controller cc -
: stop all motion
If a value can fluctuate, these refer to the current measured value of a quantity and the suffixes SP and RBV are used to indicated the desired value software requested (setpoint) and the desired value being used in the hardware (RBV)
Signal Name | Meaning | Valid Units |
POS | Position | M, mm, cm |
STAT | Status, State | Open, Closed, On, Off, Ok, Error |
CURR | Current | A, mA, uA |
VOLT | Voltage | kV, V |
CMD | Device command e.g. write to this to perform an action, such as start/stop a run | |
SEL | Select mode or position | |
TEMP | Temperature | |
COUNT | Counter value, neutron counts | |
COUNTD | Counter value as a distribution, i.e. divided by bin width - so neutron counts per microsecond for example | |
P, I, D | P, I, D values on e.g. eurotherm | |
TOF | Time of flight axis for a spectrum | |
TIME | An absolute timestamp , preferably in ISO8601 format | |
FIELD | Magnetic field | |
PRESSURE | Pressure | |
FREQ | Frequency of a chopper | Hz |
PHAS | Phase of a chopper | us |
PHAS_ERR | Error in the phase | us |
ERROR | Device error output | Integer or String values |
COMP | A component for a given composition gradient. Common on high performance liquid chromatography devices. | |
FLOWRATE | The flow rate of a pump | (SI prefix) + L |
RAMPRATE | The ramp rate of a variable | (SI unit of variable)/ (s or min) |
START | For a device with a singular operation (Ramp, Pump etc.,) but a complex initialisation this can be used to start the operation (using a sequenced record etc.,) | |
STOP | For a device with a singular operation (Ramp, Pump etc.,) but a complex shutdown this can be used to stop the operation (using a sequenced record etc.,) |