Creating a script generator release - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

The IBEX Script Generator is released as a zip file on GitHub (

First, to create the release on the share follow the instructions for the script generator on

To create a release run through script from the ScriptGeneratorReleases repo. For this script, you will need a GitHub personal access token with push access to the repo.

You should run it with <python3> -v <version_number> -t <api_token>. Replacing <version_number> with the version number e.g. 7.2.0 (you should leave out any v, this will be prepended by the script) and <api_token> with your generated personal access token.

There is also an optional argument for the script -d <drive> where you can specify which drive you would like to mount the share to (you must add the colon) e.g. U:. This defaults to Z:.


After the release has been created, the standalone script generator must be tested in a non-developer environment. This emulates a user computer, where there is no pre-existing installation of python, git or the JVM. The instructions to do this testing are here:

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