Macro Naming - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

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Macro Naming Scheme

As well as the macros used in PVs there are other Macros that we should set as standard. When an IOC is acquired from another source they may use the same term for different items, we should probably do some fancy substitutions so that our macro setting locations (via the configurations editor in the GUI, or via globals.txt) remain consistent. These eventually take a format, which is easily seen in globals.txt, of IOC_0n__MACRO=value, where n is the indicator of which macro is under consideration. (Note, existing IOCs may not conform, and may need to be updated at some point.)

Once a macro has been set consider whether it should be added into the configuration so the user can set it. To do this see the instructions in IOC Finishing Touches. Some macros follow a common enough format across multiple devices that they can simply be included from ...\EPICS\ioc\master\COMMON\, the syntax for this can also be found in IOC Finishing Touches.

Where there are multiple instances of a device within an IOC (e.g. SDTEST, GENESYS) then a number should be added to the end of the macro to indicate which macro it is.

Macro Description Default Value (for st.cmd) Can be included from COMMON
DEV_TYPE The Device Type where one IOC handles multiple devices (e.g. the Danfysik PSU IOC) Varies by device No (Not in config.)
PORT The COM port to use Do not set this to a default Yes (PORT.xml)
HOST The host name or IP address of the device, can include the port separated by a colon Do not set this to a default Yes (HOST.xml)
ADDR Secondary address information, e.g. on RS485 Varies by device No
BAUD The Baud rate of a serial device Varies by device Yes (if default of 9600, BAUD9600.xml)
BITS The number of bits in the serial interface Varies by device Yes (If default 8, BITS8.xml
PARITY The parity of the serial interface Varies by device Yes (If default of None, PARITYNONE.xml)
STOP The number of stop bits used by the serial interface Varies by device Yes (If default of 1, STOP1.xml
IEOS The end of line signal for input within asyn Varies by device No
OEOS The end of line signal for output within asyn Varies by device No
SOFTFLOWCNTL Software (xon/xoff) flow control within asyn Varies by device No
HWFLOWCNTL Hardware (crtscts) flow control within asyn Varies by device No
OEOS The end of line signal for output within asyn Varies by device No
CALIB_PATH The path to the folder containing calibration files for that IOC/function (e.g. resistance/temperature or current/magnetic field) Varies by type of calibration No
CALIB_FILE The name of the specific file in that folder to use No
DEVSIM Device should be simulated 1 - yes, 0 - no. (Provided by IBEX backend and can be set in the GUI) 0 No (Not in config.)
IFDEVSIM Set to ' ' if device is being simulated; otherwise '#' (Provided by IBEX backend) No (Not in config.)
IFNOTDEVSIM Set to '#' if device is being simulated; otherwise ' ' (Provided by IBEX backend) No (Not in config.)
RECSIM IOC should simulate at the record level 1 - yes, 0 - no. (Provided by IBEX backend and can be set in the GUI) 0 No (Not in config.)
IFRECSIM Set to ' ' if device is being record simulated; otherwise '#' (Provided by IBEX backend) No (Not in config.)
IFNOTRECSIM Set to '#' if device is being record simulated; otherwise ' ' (Provided by IBEX backend) No (Not in config.)
DISABLE Should communications be disabled 1 - yes, 0 - no. (Provided by IBEX backend and can be set in the GUI) 0 No (Not in config.)
LVDCOM_HOST The host of the LVDcom vi (see Creating IOC wrapper VI for more). "" No
LVDCOM_OPTIONS LVDcom options for starting the vi (see Creating IOC wrapper VI for more). 6 No
LVDCOM_USER LVDcom user; not to be added to config.xml. It can be set only through the local globals.txt (see Creating IOC wrapper VI for more). "" No
LVDCOM_PASS LVDcom passphrase; not to be added to config.xml. It can be set only through the local globals.txt (see Creating IOC wrapper VI for more). "" No

Specific Macros that we might need to set

There are some macros that need to be set which have specific names, and do not fit into the convention which it might be good to know about easily for setting up an IBEX system. Or which might highlight things that should be changed to conform. The macros for SDTEST are not included as there are many of them to consider.

IOC Macro Description Suggested Values
global SIMULATE This can be used to check whether or not you are a simulated instrument 1 to simulate, 0 for a live system
ISISDAE01 DAEDCOM This is whether ISISDAE uses DCOM to talk to isisicp, or loads ISISICP internally. 1 is normal and recommended on instrument, 0 is if you do not want to run isisicp e.g. dcom problems on MUONFE
ISISDAE01 DAEHOST This is the IP address of the DAE host localhost
GALIL_0n GALILADDR This is the IP address of the Galil None when simulating
HVCAEN_0n HVCAENIPn This is the IP address for the CAEN
FINS_0n PLCIP The IP address for the PLC
TPG300_0n TTY The COM port for the TPG 300 (should be changed to conform)
GALIL_0n MTRCTRL The motor controller number, e.g. it's 08 in :MOT:MTR0805
CONEXAGP_0n MTRCTRL The motor controller number, e.g. it's 08 in :MOT:MTR0805
SMC100_0n MTRCTRL The motor controller number, e.g. it's 08 in MOT:MTR0805
PIMOT_0n MTRCTRL The motor controller number, e.g. it's 08 in MOT:MTR0805
ECLAB_0n IPADDR IP Address of the device
LKSH336_0n IPADDR IP Address of the device