Deploy script workflow - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

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Deploy script location

Scripts needed are in: \\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls_Public\ibex_utils\installation_and_upgrade some instruments it might want instead if not default on \\\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls_Public\ibex_utils\installation_and_upgrade



  1. Use RealVNC Viewer to ensure that the instrument is not currently in use.
  2. Remote desktop into the instrument
  3. Open git-bash
    1. cd into C:\Instrument\Apps\EPICS
    2. Run git status
    3. Run git diff
    4. Ask senior team member if any of the deleted/new/modified files are of note and record the ones that are, to deal with later.
  4. Run deploy script in the tools' directory, you can double click on instrument_deploy.bat but it is safer to create a command window and then run the command from there, if the process were to crash you see the last message in the window. The install does now write a log file so this may not be necessary, but i usually still do it this way in case.

During script

Config step (in order of script) Instruction (y/n) Comment
Confirm new version y if correct N/A
Record LabView VIs y Take screenshots of blocks and relevant information such as motors in some cases. (for future reference)
Save motor parameters y Saves into csv file at C:\Instrument\var\deployment_pv_backups\motors\ not strictly necessary on a test deploy machine, but useful to do there as well to test the process is still working correctly
Save block params y Saves into csv file at C:\Instrument\var\deployment_pv_backups\
Save block server to file y It'll now save existing installation
Update Git y It will need an admin account password for the instrument
Update Java y This will be manual: go to \\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls_Public\third_party_installers\ and install the latest version of Java. You can find some more info here:
Backup directories y This might take a long time. Close any window that have it open. The dir. Find size of epics i apps dir and then find size of backup in data and then old to find out its stage
Manually check Python installation y Python will not exist but Python3 will, which the script will realise and back up
Verify backup y N/A
Backup database y Find password in Keeper
Truncate database y N/A
Start ibex server install y N/A
Keep old Galil driver y/n Should automatically locate the version and proceed but if it requires a decision of which version to use then ask a team member
Update ICP y N/A
Upgrade ICP found in LabView y Needs admin password
Install genie_python y N/A
Install MySQL y N/A
Install ibex client with built-in python y N/A
Update instrument config y N/A
Automatic config merge y N/A
Update calibration repo y N/A
Apply release notes y N/A
Update release notes y N/A
Reapply hotfixes yes if any to reapply See "Reapply Hotfixes" section
Update script generator script definitions y N/A
Remove Instrument Scripts githooks y N/A
Start ibex GUI y N/A
Restart vis yes N/A
Client release test y N/A
Check version y Navigate to Help - > About
Confirm genie python works y In scripting tab run g.cshow() correctly and run as well in C:\Instrument\Apps\Python 3\genie_python.bat
Confirm config is consistent y N/A
Check web links work y N/A
Switch instrument to one correct one without NDX prefix y N/A
Verify the server is up y May need to refresh the PVs
Client release tests n N/A
Server release tests y N/A
Confirm blocks logging as expected y Navigate to C:\Data\[RUN NUMBER]
Confirm correct branch y Open git bash and cd to EPICS
Check web dashboard y N/A
Run config checker y N/A
Save motor params if applicable y/n N/A
Save block params y N/A
Set username & password n N/A
Set autostart script n N/A
Inform scientists n You can if you want but generally done in release messages

Reapply Hotfixes

  1. Open git bash.
  2. For each file you noted in the pre-script hotfixes instruction
    1. Run git diff between the file in the NEW EPICS dir and the C:\Data\Old\ dir
    2. Use the outcome and response table to evaluate the file
Outcome for each file of note Response
Returns nothing Must be part of release so nothing to do
Different but you have checked the repo and found a forgotten pull request that matches (you curl [URL] the url of the raw file in the PR and run git diff between old and this PR file) Merge the pull request. Update submodule (pull latest with merge completed), go to EPICS dir and git add .and push this version of EPICS with the updated submodule version
Different but no open PR Ask team member whether okay to leave or if it needs to be copied to new install and a PR (and potentially a ticket) to be made

Backup and truncation can be done separately from deploy, for example if instrument in cycle:

Config step Instruction (y/n) Comment
Stop ibex server y N/A
Run truncate_database.db y In \\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls_Public\ibex_utils\installation_and_upgrade\
Truncate db y The previous step was just the backup