TOSCA Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on TOSCA.

Background & Timeline

TOSCA is an indirect geometry spectrometer, on TS1. The TOSCA web page describes the background to the instrument.

Control System

TOSCA will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system in late October 2018 (prior to Cycle 2018/03).

TOSCA Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on TOSCA. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
ISIS Mk3 Chopper Chopper Ethernet/.NET #169 see Mk3 Chopper note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS
McLennan PM600 Motion Controller RS-232 EPICS see McLennan note
ISIS Sample Positioner via McLennan see Sample Positioner note
ISIS ??? ISIS Vacuum System see Vacuum System note
Pfeiffer TPG300 Vacuum Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Vacuum System note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
MKS PDR2000 Pressure Transducer RS-232 EPICS see MKS note
LakeShore 218 Temperature Monitor RS-232 EPICS see LakeShore note
ISIS TOSCA Helium Gauge see Helium Gauge note

Note: DAE

See multi-detector and single-detector below.

Note: ISIS Mk3 Choppers

TOSCA has an ISIS Mk3 double-disk chopper.

Note: McLennan

Support for McLennan devices is well established (see #1099 and #1100 and subsequent tickets.

As of 2018-11-15, TOSCA uses only one McLennan motor, which is for the sample changer. The other motors were used for a rotating centre stick and for a rotating stage - both of these were used once a long time ago. The McLennan which drove the rotating centre stick was configured during the migration and then removed after migrating as the scientists do not use it. If it is needed in the future, look at the standard configuration before 2018-11-14 to see details of the motor configuration for the rotating centre stick.

Note: Sample Positioner

The Sample Positioner is driven by a McLennan motor (i.e. it raises/lowers sample plates attached to a chain drive, driven by the McLennan). Here are 3 photograph of the Sample Positioner: One, Two, Three.

Note: Jaws

There are no jaws on TOSCA.

Note: Vacuum System

TPG300 support is implemented via #216 and #2063. The vacuum system is currently operated separately.

Note: Eurotherm

Eurotherms are used to control temperature Orange Cryostat, CCR and Furnace devices.

Note: LakeShore

TOSCA uses four Lakeshore 218s - not all of the channels are enabled on each of these.

  1. Model 218

There are EPICS drivers for a variety of Lakeshore temperature controllers.

Note: Helium Gauge
  1. The Helium Gauge is no longer used on TOSCA.


TOSCA has the following specialist panels/systems:

  1. MAPS CCR (PM600)
  2. TOSCA Helium Level Gauge
  3. TOSCA New Sample Changer (PM600)
  4. Rotating Centre Stick (PM600)

TOSCA has the following devices under motion control:

  1. XY beam scanner (2 axis GALIL motor - this GALIL moves about and is not permanently on TOSCA).


Document information about TOSCA SECI configs here.

Configuration Name Sub-Configurations Last Accessed Required
Standard + Rotation Stage.conf - 25/10/2018 -

TOSCA Genie Scripts

Similarly, Document information about TOSCA SECI Genie scripts here.