Modifying Plugins on a Deployed Client - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > Deployment

If you need to modify a plugin on an IBEX client running on an instrument, such as OPIs, you need to go to

<installed client dir>/plugins/<whichever plugin you're interested in>.

Live editing opis / non-compiled code

These can be edited on the fly. If you edit a .opi file, the change will be seen the next time the opi is opened in IBEX. However, if you edit opi_info.xml (for example, to add an entirely new opi) you will need to relaunch the client as this file is only read once at startup.

Live editing "compiled" code

Plugins can be built as either folders containing .class files, or .jar files. If you need to edit the contents of a .jar:

  • Rename the plugin from _.jar to
  • You can now extract the files and make any necessary changes
  • When done, put it all back into a .zip archive, ensuring that the directory structure is the same as before
  • Rename the .zip back to a .jar
  • Relaunch the client and test your changes