Retrospective Notes 2019.09.11 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Release was on schedule (or close enough)

Just a note to be happy about.

Releasing fixed bugs

We should always merge the hotfix and then prioritize the clean up for that hotfix.

Retrospective post-it notes vs magic board

There are positives and negatives to both. We can write solutions to problems on the back of post-it notes.

Server moves and releases clashing

It is difficult to coordinate due to reliance on facilities I.T. etc.

However, we should improve our communication when it comes to this sort of issue. We should organize meetings in which we discuss what we know about (or at least the rough plans) for the issue ahead and attempt to come up with a shared plan that will work around the issue e.g. release earlier or delay the release.


  • Are standups still useful?
    • Yes
  • Could we make them more useful?
    • Possibly
    • We do well at stopping conversations getting too long and technical
    • Sometimes there are lots of small tasks which are not worth talking too much about at standup
    • What we can do is to elaborate more on how far we are through certain tickets
    • We should focus specifically on the fine-grain of what we have achieved yesterday and what we want to achieve today e.g. how far are we through a ticket, not that we are just working on it
    • We should talk about blockages more
  • Can we try to share blockages even if we are no longer blocked?
    • Yes it may be helpful for others so they can easily know who to come to if they get blocked by the same thing
  • Can we look at ticket steps to complete?
    • Yes
  • Should we split into 2 groups so we can talk for longer?
    • No
    • It is useful so that we are all updated on what everyone is doing in the team
    • It is useful so that when we are impeded we have more expertise to help
    • Talking for longer is out of the scope of a standup. As such we should organize to have other discussions/meetings if required, for example for subprojects that are occurring

At SAG can we emphasize emergency jobs if they are large?

This has already happened at the SAG meeting earlier in the day before this retrospective

After/during sprint retrospective should we note down and work out ways to implement what we have discussed?

This is already being done in these notes.