EMU Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on EMU.

Background & Timeline

EMU is a new 96-detector muon spin rotation spectrometer which is optimised for zero field and longitudinal field measurements at ISIS, on TS1. The EMU web page describes the background to the instrument.

Control System

EMU will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system in MMMMMMMM YYYY.

EMU Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on EMU. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS see Motion note
??? 4-blade jaws see Jaws note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
Julabo ??? Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
ICE Oxford ICE Cube ??? see Oxford ICE Cube note
CAEN V895 Discriminator USB VXI via NI DLL see CAEN note
Danfysik 8000 PSU RS232 DFKPS see Danfysik note
TDK Lambda Genesys PSU RS232 TDK_ LAMBDA_ GENESYS see Genesys note
KEPCO BOP 100-10MG Bi-Polar Power Supply RS232 #187 see Kepco note
Kepco BIT 4886 I/F card GPIB, RS-232 see Kepco note
Oxford Instruments Triton Dilution Fridge RS-232 see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments Mercury Temperature Controller RS-232 see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments ITC503 Temperature Controller see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments Mercury Pressure Controller see Oxford Instruments note
Lakeshore 372 Temperature Controller see Lakeshore note
Chell CCD100 Pressure Transducer RS-232 see Chell note
Stanford RS DG645 Delay Generator see Stanford RS note
Aeroflex/IFR 2030 Signal Generator RS-232 see Aeroflex note
Note: DAE

See multi-detector and single-detector below.

Note: Motion

There is a project relating to the motion on the South Side Muons in progress, this information may be out of date.

Note: Choppers

Muon instruments do not have choppers.

Note: Jaws

Provide information about EMU jaws.

Note: Eurotherm

Eurotherms are used to control temperature Orange Cryostat, CCR and Furnace devices.

Note: Water Baths

EMU uses Julabo water baths

Note: Water Baths
  1. Julabo Water Bath
    • no information on specific Julabo Water Baths - maybe EMU uses water baths from the pool?
    • consult the Julabo commands spreadsheet for specific details of which set of commands are used individual water baths.
    • EMU may use oil or glycol as the coolant/heating medium (Julabo/Presto A40 device).
  2. See also Water Baths list
Note: Neocera

Low temperature experiments?Neocera LTC-21 Manual

Note: Oxford ICE Cube
  1. The ICE Fridge is a dilution fridge.
    1. N.B. It is not an Oxford Instruments device. It is from a different manufacturer.
    2. It cannot be compared to other models of dilution fridge.
  2. The ICE control PC is referred to as an ICECube.
    1. This PC runs Windows XP. It should not be connected to the ISIS network.
    2. Communication with the equipment is via serial and a MOXA unit.
  3. The dilution fridge temperature at low temperatures is controlled via a Lakeshore 370.
  4. There is only one ICE dilution fridge which is used on MUSR mainly. It is available for EMU.
  5. See ticket #3876

Documentation can be found at : C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\ICEOxford\ICECube\Documentation LabVIEW client can be found at : C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\ICEOxford\ICECube\ICECube - Client.llb\ICECube - Client.vi

Note: CAEN
  1. The CAEN V895 is a 16-channel Leading Edge Discriminator.
  2. Documentation (\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls\Manuals\CAEN\V895 16-Channel Discriminator
Note: Danfysik

Need to check which model of Danfysik is used on EMU.

  1. Danfysik Power Supplies: model 8000 appears to have been superseded by model 8500.
  2. User and Software Manuals for System 8500.
  3. See #1208 for comms settings.
Note: Genesys
  1. TDK Lambda Genesys Power Supplies.
  2. Safety, User and Programming Manuals for System 8500.
  3. See also #983, #2276, #2458
Note: Kepco
  1. Kepco BIT 4886 is an interface card for Kepco bi-polar (BOP) power supplies. See also C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Kepco 4886 Serial
  2. Kepco BOP 100-10MG PSU. See also #3005
Note: Oxford Instruments
  1. Dilution fridge: models to be determined.
    • Triton LabVIEW Driver : C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Triton
    • Triton Documentation : C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Triton\Documentation
    • See also #2915
  2. Support for OI ITC503 created as part of #2593
  3. Intelligent Pressure Controller - what do we know about this?
Note: LakeShore
  1. On muon instruments, the Triton fridges have an additional Lakeshore controller (the 372) to allow control and continuous readout of the sample temperature (the OI software doesn’t allow this using the in-built Lakeshore, despite the unit having a dedicated channel for the sample thermometry).
  2. Model 372 temperature controller.
  3. There are EPICS drivers for a variety of Lakeshore temperature controllers.
Note: Chell
  1. Experiments requiring pressure transducer. Chell CCD100
  2. Documentation (\\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls\CCD100)
Note: Stanford RS
  1. Stanford DG645 Digital Delay Generator
  2. See also C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Stanford DG645
  3. Documentation (\\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls\Stanford_DG645_Digital_Delay_Generator)
Note: Aeroflex/IFR

Aeroflex has been through a complicated series of sales in recent years. The Aeroflex manuals (\\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls\AeroflexIFR 2023A) are probably a good place to start, along with any existing VIs. See also IFR 2023A.

There appears to be no driver for the Aeroflex 2023A in C:\LabVIEW Modules\. However, there is a driver for an Aeroflex 2030 in C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Aeroflex 2030.

EMU SECI Configs

Document information about EMU SECI configs here.

Configuration Name Sub-Configurations Last Accessed Required
EMU_place_holder1.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
EMU_place_holder2.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -

EMU Genie Scripts

Similarly, Document information about EMU SECI Genie scripts here.

Booster heater issues

Scientists initially raised concerns about intermittent invalid alarms and it appears this is due to communication failures to a mercury (see #6286).

These intermittent caused a failure to switch on the booster heater. The reason for this was that the booster heater script refers to the Temp_Sample block for determining whether it should switch the heater on, and if the target temperature is higher than Temp_Sample, it will start using the booster heater by running cset on the same block. If the block is temporarily in ‘invalid’, then it certainly fails to read and set the temperature (and just carries on). #6286 was then closed with a temporary increased stream device lock timeout - from 5 to 30 seconds.

The problems from #6286 then reoccurred on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2021, which spawned tickets #6270 (issues concerning communicating with the mercury) and #6271 (issues concerning the booster heater). In #6270, there was some debate over whether there were differences in the mercury's setup on the day (some addresses of the daughter boards were changed) which could have caused the recurrence of the issue.

Investigation showed the device failed to reply as fast in busy periods and didn't reply as quickly as usual, and that a reply timeout trips up the IOC until it gets time to send the commands again and get a correct response. It was suggested that increasing the reply timeout slightly would fix this, but also that it was pertinent to investigate why on the 23rd and 22nd of May this was more prominent. Adding @replyTimeout handlers didn't seem to help very much either.

Sep 2021: Added a retry mechanism for protocols. Lacking documentation about whether this deployment to EMU was successful, and how above changes have affected the status of #6271.

Marking #6271 as fixed and will be closed, please open a new issue if this reoccurs.

EMU Notes

EMU has the following specialist panels:

  1. MUSR RF Kit
  2. EMU Traverse field supply
  3. EMU Steering Magnet
  4. HIFI Metrolab PT2025 (NMR Readout)
  5. MUON Zero Field Controller
  6. MUON Magnets Danfysik
  7. MUON FrontEnd Control
  8. MUON FrontEnd Magnet Monitoring
  9. MUON Jaws

EMU also has the following system:

  1. MUON Script (generator)