EMMA Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on EMMA.

Background & Timeline

EMMA is an instrument at ISIS, on TS1 and used primarily for test purposes. The primary users of EMMA are the sample environment team and the detector team. There appears to be no web pages (or other material) describing the background to the instrument.

Instrument scientist contact is Jeffrey Sykora.

Control System

EMMA will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system in summer 2017.

EMMA Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on EMMA. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes Use in ISIS Cycle
ISIS DAE 2 & 3 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note 17_1
ISIS Monitors see DAE note 17_1
ISIS Mk2 Chopper Chopper RS-232 See #2130 see Chopper note ??
SKF Fermi Chopper RS-232 see FermiChopper note ??
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS see Galil note 17_1
ADC 1 x 4-blade jaws Blades driven by Galils. see Jaws note
ISIS TPG300 ISIS Vacuum System see Vacuum System note
ISIS YZ Table see Galil note see YZ Table note
ISIS Rotation Stage see Galil note see RotationStage note
EURO-THERM Temperature Controller
CAEN HT Detector HV Control Ethernet #212 see CAEN HT note

The following items are on EMMA's wish-list. They are items for the future (i.e. support is not required until such times as the individual items can be procured).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes Use in ISIS cycle
CAEN Digitiser Ethernet see CAEN Digitiser note
Acqiris Digitiser RS-232 see Acqiris Digitiser note
NI Digitiser RS-232 see NI Digitiser note
Tektronix Oscilloscope Ethernet see Tektronix note

Note: DAE

Main Detector banks + fixed monitors. EMMA has 4 monitors:

  1. Monitor 1: stationary; located after the T0 chopper
  2. Monitor 2: stationary; located after the Fermi chopper
  3. Monitor 3: stationary; located between the jaws and the Y-Z table
  4. Monitor 4: currently stationary, but would like it to be moveable in future; located after the rotation stage

Note: Choppers

One T0 chopper. Chopper is ISIS Mk2 chopper. Mk2 choppers have a serial interface (not Ethernet like Mk3). See #2130 for IOC & OPI for Mk2 chopper. The front panel of the Mk2 chopper control crate (located in the EMMA rack) looks like this:

Note: Fermi Chopper

EMMA has a single Fermi chopper (manufactured by SKF). Link to Manual The Fermi chopper control crates (located in the EMMA rack) look like this:

Note: Fermi Chopper Lift

The Fermi chopper is lifted into position by a Galil controlled motor. The Fermi chopper must not be operated when it is not in the beam (i.e. in the parked/upper position) There is a hardware interlock to prevent the Fermi chopper from being operated in the parked position. This interlock is implemented in the Galil controller, via a Galil program (described in the EMMA chopper lifter - Handover document). In SECI a simple VI is used to provide a GUI, which passes parameters to the Galil program, so that the user can control the Fermi Chopper lift. IBEX should provide a similar capability via an IOC and OPI.

Note: Jaws

EMMA has one four-blade set of jaws. All blades driven by motors connected to Galil controllers. Jaw set is manufactured by Advanced Design Consultancy.

Note: Vacuum System

The vacuum system (TPG300) on EMMA is currently (06/03/2017) not operational. Outside possibility that it may be operational by cycle 2017/02.

Note: Y-Z Table

Driven by Galil controlled motors. See see Galil note. In SECI, Y-Z Table has its own GUI. No particular reason for this; it could be merged with the Rotation Stage UI. Photograph of Y-Z table.

Note: Rotation Stage

Driven by Galil controlled motors. See see Galil note. In SECI, Rotation Stage has its own GUI. No particular reason for this; it could be merged with the Y-Z Table UI. Photograph of Rotation Stage. It sits on top of the Y-Z table when in use.


CAEN high-voltage system is a SYS2527 (see tickets: #212, #241, #320, #419, #424)

Note: CAEN Digitiser

For the future - it's on the wish list (model not currently known).

Note: Acqiris Digitiser

For the future - it's on the wish list. Desired model is Acqiris digitiser - PXI8570 controller chassis with DC 440 (400MS/s 100 MHz) digitiser card. Note that Acqiris is now part of Keysight (see Keysight digitizers).

Note: NI Digitiser

For the future - it's on the wish list. Desired model is National Instruments digitiser - PXIe-1082 chassis, PXIe-8135 controller and a PXIe-5162 digitizer (5GS/s and 1.5GHz). See NI Digitizers/Oscilloscopes.

Note: Tektronix

For the future - it's on the wish list. Desired models are:

  1. Tektronix Oscilloscope DPO7000
  2. Tektronix Oscilloscope MSO4054


Document information about EMMA SECI configs here.

Configuration Name Sub-Configurations Last Accessed Required

EMMA Genie Scripts

Similarly, Document information about EMMA SECI Genie scripts here.

EMMA Notes

Add any notes about special items of equipment, setup or conditions on EMMA that might impact the deployment and configuration of IBEX.

  1. Screenshots of EMMA VIs