IRIS Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the new control system on IRIS.

Online info

Background & Timeline

IRIS is a long established instrument at ISIS, on TS1. The IRIS web page describes the background to the instrument. A schematic layout of IRIS is shown in ​this diagram. IRIS shares a port with OSIRIS. We may need to have a way of sharing information between the IRIS and OSIRIS control systems. It might also be worth migrating IRIS and ​OSIRIS to IBEX at the same time.

Control System

IRIS will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system.

IRIS Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on IRIS. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS
Pfeiffer TPG 26x ISIS Vacuum System RS232 see Pfeiffer note
Pfeiffer TPG 300 ISIS Vacuum System RS232 #216 see Pfeiffer note
ISIS Mk3 Chopper Chopper Ethernet/.NET #169
McLennan PM600 Motion Controller RS-232 EPICS see McLennan note
ISIS Sample Changer via McLennan see Sample Changer note
Leybold 1040 100mm TL GM Top-Loading Closed Cycle Refrigerator see Leybold note
Sumitomo 4K 100mm TL GM Top-Loading Closed Cycle Refrigerator see Sumitomo note
Oxford Instruments Dilution Fridge Cryogenic System RS-232 see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments Blue Cryostat Cryogenic System RS-232 see Oxford Instruments note
ILL? Orange Cryostat Cryogenic System RS-232 see Orange Cryostat note
ISIS Furnace High temperature furnace RS-232 see Furnace note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
LakeShore 218 RS-232 EPICS see LakeShore note
LakeShore 336 RS-232 EPICS see LakeShore note
LakeShore 340 RS-232 EPICS see LakeShore note
MKS PDR2000 Pressure Transducer RS-232 EPICS see MKS note
ISIS Helium 3 Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 see He3 Controller note
ISIS Helium Level Gauge All models at ISIS RS-232 see He Level Gauge note
ISIS Exchange Gas Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 see Exchange Gas Controller note
ISIS CryoValve Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 see CryoValve Controller note

Note: DAE

Main Detector banks + 2-3 monitors.

Note: Pfeiffer
  1. Model TPG 26x
  2. Model TPG 300

Note: McLennan
  1. One McLennan will eventually be used to control the rotating centre-stick, McLennan-Newport Rotation Stage
  2. One McLennan is used to control the Sample Changer, currently set on port 1
  3. One McLennan has been used to control a stretching rig, currently set on port 2

The homing behaviour for the McLennans is currently under review. The McLennan IOC startup scripts have been partially customised for Iris based on observed behaviour for each device. This behaviour is subject to review by the development team.

Note: Sample Changer

The Sample Changer is driven by the McLennan motor (i.e. it raises/lowers sample cans attached to the sample changer). There is a photograph of the Sample Changer, which shows the sample cans attached to the bottom of the sample changer. There is also a diagram showing the dimensions of the Sample Changer (the diagram is taken from the instrument scientist's notebook - it is a sketch, not an engineering drawing (just to set your expectations :-) ).

Note: Leybold

CCR-11. Not directly computer-controlled - controlled via Eurotherm.

Note: Sumitomo

CCR-64. Not directly computer-controlled - controlled via Eurotherm.

Note: Oxford Instruments
  1. Dilution fridge: models to be determined.
  2. Blue Cryostat: models to be determined.

Note: Orange Cryostat

Orange Cryostat: models to be determined. Eurotherm controlled.

Note: Eurotherm

Used to control temperature of top-loading CCRs, Be Filter, Furnace, Orange Cryostat devices. There are at least 6 Eurotherm devices on IRIS, arranged in two crates of 3, as illustrated in the photograph of the Eurotherm Crate.

Note: LakeShore
  1. Model 218: Monitors temperature of Analyser Banks
  2. Model 336:
  3. Model 340: this model is now obsolete, having been replaced by the 336 and 350 models.

There are EPICS drivers for a variety of Lakeshore temperature controllers.

The Lakeshore 336 on IRIS is shown in the linked photograph.

Documentation on the Lakeshore 336 IOC setup can be found here.

Note: ISIS High temperature furnace

Controlled via Eurotherm.

Note: MKS PDR2000 Pressure Transducer

The MKS PDR2000A provides power and readout up to two (2) Baratron® pressure transducers.

There are EPICS drivers for a variety of MKS devices (although there is a driver for a PDR4000 pressure transducer, there does not appear to be one for a PDR2000).

Note: He3 Controller

Consists of ACM1000 Gauge controller, ACT200H Pump Controller, Neocera LTC-21 Temperature Controller

Note: He Level Gauge

no comment (as yet)

Note: Exchange Gas Controller

no comment (as yet)

Note: CryoValve Controller

Due to be superseded by the Exchange Gas Controller.


Over the years, IRIS has built up a significant collection of SECI configs. Not all of them are current (some may no longer be used, or used only infrequently). We will need to investigate how to convert them to IBEX configs. The current list of IRIS configs is listed on trac. The config files are located in the folder SECI\Configurations\ on the control server and have the extension .conf. Sub-configuration files have the extension .comp (component). The files with numbers as extensions (.1, .2, .3,etc.) are backups of the configuration and sub-configuration files.

IRIS Genie Scripts

Similarly, IRIS has built up a significant collection of genie scripts over the years. Again, many scripts are old and may no longer be used regularly. Most runs on IRIS are controlled via scripts. There will be a need to convert some of these scripts to genie-python, but probably not all.

The current list of IRIS genie scripts is listed on trac.

Tested IOCs

What When Notes
Eurotherm 1 15/09/2016 Temps 1-3 com 6
Eurotherm 2 15/09/2016 Temps 4-6 com 14
Eurotherm 3 15/09/2016 single reading com 8
Lakeshore 218 15/09/2016 com 20
Lakeshore 336 15/09/2016 ip ls336-1
MK3 Choppers 15/09/2016
CryoValve 15/09/2016 com 13
TPG300 15/09/2016
TPG268 15/09/2016 com11