Retrospective Notes 2018.02.14 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

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Date of Sprint Retrospective: 14-02-2018

  1. Testing API Changes

    • we made a change to genie_python (changed enumerated types) but did not create unit tests to test the changes. This came back to bite us.
    • we had a similar issue with #2942 - changes to DB records had impacts elsewhere, which caught us out.
    • Lesson: make sure there are tests that test your changes.
  2. SM300 Motor

    • We estimated 8 points for this (thinking it was a big ticket). In reality, it required much more effort than 8 parts.
    • Creating a motor_record was more complex than we expected.
    • we didn't really have a good understanding of SM300 motors
  3. Identify IOCs we can contribute back to EPICS Community

    • We have quite a collection of IOCs now. Some could be of value to others.
    • Identify IOCs that would be useful to others. Work out the best way to package them up for distribution. DO to organise a meeting to discuss further.
  4. Deployment

    • We left deployment until the last minute, mainly because we were waiting for GEM & SANDALS tickets to be completed.
    • We should recognise that we don't have to delay the release for late tickets. We can proceed with the release and hot-fix any instruments that require the late tickets.
  5. Build Speed

    • Full, clean builds on Windows take rather a long time - up to 8h.
    • We should investigate ways to speed up the build. Consider as a topic for stand-down day.
  6. Identify Motion Control Tickets

    • create a motion control label in GitHub to allow the Motion Control group to easily identify tickets of interest to them - DO to action
  7. Shadow Instrument Scientists

    • Individual members should shadow instrument scientists for time-to-time - to watch them using IBEX and to learn how it could be improved, to better support the things they need to do.