HRPD Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on HRPD.

Background & Timeline

HRPD, the High Resolution Powder Diffractometer is an instrument on TS1 at ISIS. It is the highest resolution neutron powder diffractometer of its type in the world. The HRPD web page describes the background to the instrument.

There is a proposal to re-build HRPD at some point in the next 3-5 years.

Control System

HRPD will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system.

HRPD Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on HRPD. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS N/A Shutter N/A see Shutter note
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
ISIS Mk3 Chopper Chopper Ethernet/.NET #169 see Mk3 Chopper note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS see Galil note
LINMOT P0x-23 Linear Motors and Motion Controller RS-232 #2098 see LinMot note
??? ??? 1 x 4-blade jaws see Jaws note
??? ??? Intermediate Shutter see Intermediate Shutter note
Pfeiffer TPG300 ISIS Vacuum System RS232 #216 see Pfeiffer note
Pfeiffer TPG26x Gas Handling System RS232 #1411 see Pfeiffer note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
Chell CCD100 Pressure Transducer RS-232 #1827 see Chell note
Oxford Instruments Dilution Fridge (Kelvinox) Cryogenic System see Oxford Instruments note
Oxford Instruments Blue Cryostat Cryogenic System see Oxford Instruments note
??? ??? Pressure Transducer see Paris-Edinburgh Press note
??? ??? Helium Level Meter see He Level Meter note
??? ??? Magnet see Magnets note
B&WTek i-Raman Plus Raman Spectrometer see mini-Raman Spectrometer note

Note: Shutter

HRPD and ENGIN-X share the same primary shutter (which is directly equivalent to the single shutter used on other instruments). HRPD and ENGIN-X also have their own secondary shutters (so that each instrument can operate independently of the other when the primary shutter is open.

  1. When the primary shutter is closed, neither instrument receives neutrons. The status of the primary shutter is available in the same way as it is for any other instrument (i.e. via the appropriate PV).
  2. When the primary shutter is open, HRPD receives neutrons only if the secondary shutter is also open. The status of the secondary shutter is not available to IBEX.

The IBEX dashboard should continue to report the status of the primary shutter. Note: IBEX only ever reports the status of the shutter. IBEX never controls the shutter (control of the shutter is part of the instrument safety system and is strictly outside the scope of IBEX).

Note: DAE

Main Detector banks + one working fixed monitor upstream of sample position.

Note: Galil

HRPD does not use any Galils at the present time.

Note: LinMot

HRPD uses LinMot P0x-23 motors, controlled by LinMot drives. LinMot User Manual

Note: Jaws

Single 4-blade jaws. Mounted between guide exit and incident collimation slug. Jaws are driven by LinMot P0x-23 motors.

Note: Intermediate Shutter

HRPD features an "intermediate shutter". This is hardware controlled and does NOT fall within the scope of IBEX (i.e. IBEX will provide no facility to control the intermediate shutter).

Note: ISIS Mk3 Choppers

HRPD has two ISIS Mk3 choppers.

Note: Pfeiffer
  1. [Model TPG 26x] (, used on the furnace vacuum system
  2. Model TPG 300, used on the tank/guide vacuum system

Note: Chell

Chell CCD100: For future experiments requiring pressure transducer (pressure/gas flow data from gas panels). May need to consult with Chris Goodway - new transducer readouts are in progress. CCD100 is used in the gas panel.

Note: Eurotherm

Three Eurotherms in use on HRPD. Used to control temperature of all top-loading CCR/ He-cryostats and furnaces.

Note: Oxford Instruments

Making use of these devices will be a priority for HRPD over the next 12 months (from May 2017 onwards).

  1. Dilution fridge: models to be determined.
    1. Kelvinox dilution fridge
  2. Blue Cryostat: models to be determined.

Note: Paris-Edinburgh Press

Pressure transducers for supporting use of Paris-Edinburgh press will be required. HRPD may adopt same or similar configurations to PEARL.

Note: He Level Meter

May be required in the future. No further information at present.

Note: Magnets

May be required in the future. No further information at present. See magnets at ISIS

Note: mini-Raman Spectrometer
  1. B&W Tek i-Raman Plus A Raman Spectrometer is something that HRPD would like to use at a future date (TBD). See also SXD.


HRPD has numerous heritage SECI configurations only two of which are now used routinely.

  1. One is used for day-to-day operation with samples at RT, in cryostats or furnace (HRPD_Eurotherms_2.conf).
  2. The second is used with the sample changer (HRPD_Sample_Changer_new_oct16.conf).

All located in C:\\Program Files (x86)\STFC ISIS Facility\SECI\Configurations

The HRPD team would probably wish to have separate configurations for experiments involving:

  1. High-pressure devices (incl. various pressure transducers)
  2. Gas handling
  3. Magnets
  4. In-situ light scattering (laser control, spectrometer data acquisition)

HRPD Genie Scripts

The critical OpenGenie scripts, for initialisation and focussing, are in C:\\OG (duplicated, more or less, in C:\\scripts\OG)

HRPD has a large collection of Genie scripts accumulated over the years, each of results from a specific user running a specific operation. A number of editable seed scripts are kept in (C:\\scripts\keep). These might appropriately be converted to genie_python.

HRPD Notes

Add any notes about special items of equipment, setup or conditions on HRPD that might impact the deployment and configuration of IBEX.