IOC Utilities - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

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The utilities comprise of useful IOC db templates and IOC shell utilities.

DB Templates

Below are available utility templates for substitution. In order to allow Make to build these, you need to add the following to your Device/master/configure/RELEASE file: UTILITIES=$(SUPPORT)/utilities/master.

Field setter

This copies the specified field from a PV and sets it on a different PV. E.g.

file $(UTILITIES)/db/field_setter.template { 
    {P,    FROM, TO, FIELD}

    {"\$(P)", "UNITS", "READING", "EGU"}
    {"\$(P)", "UNITS", "SP", "EGU"}


This example copies the EGU field from $(P)READING to $(P)UNITS.EGU and $(P)SP.EGU.

Unit setter

This copies units from a PV and sets them on a different PV. E.g.

file $(UTILITIES)/db/unit_setter.template { 
    {P,    FROM, TO}

    {"\$(P)", "UNITS", "READING"}
    {"\$(P)", "UNITS", "SP"}


This will copy units from the value of the PV $(P)UNITS to $(P)READING and $(P)SP.

Error Setting

Creates a raw PV that can be written to by a stream protocol and then transfer the stream protocols PV error and value to the real PV.

For example:

file $(UTILITIES)/db/error_setter.template {
    pattern {P, STREAM_PV, PV_NAME}

    {"\$(P)", "FREQ:REF", "FREQ:SP:RBV"}
    {"\$(P)", "FREQ:REF", "FREQ"}


In this example, the PV FREQ:REF reads the values from a status and then set the values, via the protocol file, in the FREQ:SP:RBV:RAW.A PV. This value and any error that occurs in the FREQ:REF is then set on the FREQ:SP:RBV PV. This allows you to easily show a disconnected error in PVs that are set from the protocol file.

If you need to use the error setter for PVs that are defined in a .db file instead of .template file, the .substitutions file for that .db file needs to have a different name than the .db file, otherwise the error setter will not work.

Calibration Range

Calculates the maximum and minimum values of a selected calibration file. You can load this db with macros using


Where TEMP is a cvt record which uses the calibration file. The max value is outputted to HIGH_PV and the minimum to LOW_PV.

check stability

This is a generic utility for verifying that a value has been within tolerance of a setpoint and without any invalid alarms for N samples.

The implementation is defined in $(UTILITIES)/db/check_stability.db.

First load the DB records, e.g.


And then, from an existing DB, forward link to $(P)STAB:SCANNOW when it should take new samples (e.g. Forward-link from the readback PV).

Whether the value is stable or not is then published in $(P)STAB:IS_STABLE - 1 if stable, 0 otherwise.

Shell Utilities

There are some IOC shell utilities defined in C:\Instrument\Apps\EPICS\support\utilities which can be used in an IOC shell to help startup IOCs. The doxygen docs are here

Pausing an IOC at startup

You can pause an IOC at startup in the st.cmd using msgBox. This is imported in IOC_NAME_registerRecordDeviceDriver pdbbase so must come after that line.

Usage: msgBox "title" "text". Bring up a message box at the point in your startup that it is placed and pause the boot until you click the button.

This could be useful if you want to run a debugger on the IOC, which you attach whilst the IOC boot is paused.


Performs an arithmetic operation on an expression and return the integer value to a specific environment variable:


The arguments are as follows:

  1. The output environment variable
  2. The expression to be evaluated
  3. Options
  4. The output length

My best guess is that the expression is evaluated using the calcPerform method from the EPICS standard library so the expression should match the syntax as used in a calc record.

The options are detailed in ioccalc.cpp in the utilities directory.

Examples can be seen in the Galil and McLennan motor records.


As calc, but returns a double value. The 4th argument is for the number of decimal places, not the value length.


An example can be seen in the Eurotherm IOC, file st-timing.cmd.



stringiftest(resultvar, lhs, operation, rhs)

Defines an environment variables as empty or a comment depending on if lhs is empty. The variables defined are:

  • IF<resultsvar> '#' if empty; otherwise ' '
  • IFNOT<resultsvar> ' ' if empty; otherwise '#'


  1. resultvar - the basename of the environment variable to set
  2. lhs - the string to test
  3. operation - set the first bit for verbose mode
  4. rhs - used in lhs==rhs operation

The operation argument is given as a decimal representation of binary flags:

Operation Flag
Verbose 0x1
length > 0 0x2 (default)
lhs == rhs 0x4
Inverse output 0x8

To get the operation that you require, add the flag value in decimal. For example, to check if a string has finite length, your operation would be 2. However, if you would like your flag to check if a string has a zero length, then add the inverse flag value 8, meaning your operation would be 10 (8+2). To add a log for this operation, add the verbose flag of value 1, so the total value is 11.

For debugging purposes it is advisable to add the verbose/logging flag of value 1 to your operation.


A simple use case might be to only run certain sections of st.cmd for a serial port (PORT macro defined) and others only if IPADDR macro is defined. So we would use lines like:

stringiftest("SERIAL", "$(PORT=)")
stringiftest("IPADDR", "$(IPADDR=)")
$(IFIPADDR) drvAsynIPPortConfigure("$(DEVICE)", "$(IPADDR):12345")
$(IFSERIAL) drvAsynSerialPortConfigure("$(DEVICE)", "$(PORT)", 0, 1, 0, 0)

From the DKFPS IOC:

stringiftest("POLAR" "$(POLARITY="BIPOLAR")" 5 "BIPOLAR")

The operation value is 5, or 4+1, so this checks the lhs ($(POLARITY), which defaults to "BIPOLAR") equals the right hand side "BIPOLAR", and puts the result in the $(POLAR) also creating $(IFPOLAR) and $(IFNOTPOLAR) with appropriate space or # character. So if you wanted to execute some lines of st.cmd if POLARITY equals BIPOLAR and some if it wasn't you would type

$(IFPOLAR) do something 
$(IFNOTPOLAR) do something else

You'll see this used a lot in the form $(IFDEVSIM) and $(IFNOTDEVSIM) to either connect to the real hardware or an emulator

Search the EPICS-ioc repository for stringiftest to see many other examples of usage









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