Prioritisation of Tickets - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
We are presently not ordering tickets to a finer detail than high/medium/low, and this is often based on overarching priorities brought in by stakeholder managers, and the group generally.
These are notes on prioritisation this is not an ordered list yet:
- Stops Instrument running
- Impairs running instrument
- Needed for user program Now
- Needed for user program soon
- Needed for commissioning program Now
- Needed for commissioning program soon
- Maintenance helper
- Instrument scientist requested feature enhancement
- User requested feature enhancement
- Operations requested feature enhancement
- Dev requested feature enhancement
- New functionality (e.g. script server)
Plus categories
- Instrument is pure IBEX
- Instrument is pure SECI
- Instrument feature could work in SECI but is IBEX instrument