Retrospective‐Notes‐2024.09.04 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Chair Timekeeper Note Taker


  • in person: GR, LC, LJ, TW, JD IG
  • online: SC, KB, DK, DM, CMS

Previous Sprint

  • Unanimously decided to keep the 10:15 stand up meeting - as it is better than having a large gap in the middle.
  • People have been signing off messages sent from the shared mailbox with their names which is good.
  • Decided to talk about moving sprint planning meetings (to 10:30) next retrospective as FA is not present.

Current Sprint

  • KB: Suggested that the deadline for proposal tickets going into next sprint should be 6pm the evening before. Unanimous agree and reminders should be sent out to enforce this, at least until it becomes a habit of the team.
  • GR: Priority of tickets being ignored:
    • Either don't assign priorities to tickets or take action to make sure that people are picking up the more important ones.
    • The aim is for higher priority tickets to be picked up regardless of whether they're interesting or not.
    • The main alternative is for it to be enforced that everyone picks from the top of the list which isn't ideal either.
    • New starters should be encouraged as they progress to go for more higher priority tickets depending on ability.
  • TW: Creating a release is painful:
    • We ought to create a 'CI' like process for releases so that when it comes to producing a release, there aren't lots of unexpected problems to solve in a small time constraint.
  • JH & TW: Code reviews at Thursday standups:
    • Decided that if no one volunteers to do a 'show and tell' then the ticket at the top of review will be picked and the code will be looked at by the team. As it is a review, it should be understandable by the whole team anyways. Also helps whoever is about to pick up the review.
  • LJ & KB: Repointing Tickets:
    • Decided that with the burndown chart coming back there is no need to repoint tickets either during the sprint or between sprints. There was concern about a loss in resolution in how much time a ticket will take after end of a sprint.


  • DK: Glad that the deploys went well and that the manual testing process had gotten faster.
  • KB: Glad that the changes to the tasks board were working well with the team and that the updated project board automation was almost back.
  • Mad that CR11 hadn't been fixed regarding the microphone issue and ceiling pigeons.
  • LJ: Sad that she had been ill.
  • LC: Mad that she was manually updating the burndown, then became ill.


  • TW: Technician Training with scientists. David volunteered to help Tom with the training.