Release based repository - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Creating repository

If a release repo of the correct version is not shown on then it can be added as follows

e.g. for 12.0.1

robocopy "<kits$>\CompGroup\ICP\Releases\12.0.1\EPICS\.git" "\\\git$\releases\12.0.1\EPICS.git" /mir /nfl /ndl

then edit EPICS.git\config and change bare=false to bare=true

Also Add an extra section at end of the config file

        receivepack = true

Associating an instrument with release

Newer deployment scripts do this automatically, if you are not sure if it has already been done run

git remote -v
git branch

and check output

In instrument computer NDXEMMA-A is running release 12.0.1 for example then open git bash in c:\instrument\apps\epics and run

git remote add origin
git checkout -b NDXEMMA-A
git push -u origin NDXEMMA-A

12.0.1 should agree with the local VERSION.txt file, we use computer name (i.e. NDX prefix, as per COMPUTERNAME environment variable) to be consistent with configurations

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