Retrospective Notes 2018.03.14 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > Project overview > Notes from Retrospectives > Retrospective Notes 2018.03.14


Date of Sprint Retrospective: 14-03-2018

  1. Build Performance

    • builds are now much faster.
    • there is still room for improvement.
  2. Windows 10 testing

    • Windows 7 will be supported by Microsoft for only two more years.
    • over time, instrument machines will migrate to Windows 10 (probably the new LTS version of Windows 10)
    • we need to be prepared for this
    • also need to consider what happens to SECI during this time period
  3. Prune the Backlog

    • we agreed the backlog should be pruned. Be ruthless about it! (we can always re-open tickets if we are too ruthless).
  4. In coming sprints we will prioritise Script Server work, then E4 migration and then support for LSS scripting & graphing (because scripting & graphing will benefit from the Script Server and E4 work).

    • Kevin will follow up with Andrew Caruana to get more details of LSS scripting requirements.
  5. How do we track user requests? We will create a process that adds a re-request label and consult this during planning

    • Can we do better about managing expectations? Probably not but can increase the visibility of the request using re-request label
    • Is it acceptable to tell people a feature can not be achieved because of engineering constraint? Yes if it is not an experimental critical feature; but probably check with the group first. If it is experiment critical we need to flag this and be creative.
  6. How do we create scientist release notes? They should be created during the release by the release builder (see wiki).

  7. Workflow for genie python development? See ticket 3046