Retrospective Notes 2024.07.17 - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
Chair | Timekeeper | Note Taker |
LC | CMS | DK |
- in person: LC, LJ, IG, FA, TW, JD, GR
- online: SC, DK, CMS, JH, KB, DM
Previous Sprint 23/05/2024
PyCharm on NDX control machines - could potentially run scripts via the IDE causing confusion; would produce an extra load on NDX machine -> discourage use if/when possible
Extra role for planning (not sure what - timing? editing tickets?) - possibly too much for notetaker to do -> agreed can try at next planning meeting then reassess.
Ticket formatting/template - nothing done towards this to date -> LJ will create a ticket to rewrite the template
15 minute Stand-up split -> revisit next retrospective as not enough information this time.
Join meeting from office PC -> OK for time being for one-off meetings when room not available.
Interpreting Nagios -> LJ will organise a codechat
Current Sprint 20/06/2024
Python standards -> JH suggested a code chat or code review to discuss the changes. LJ agreed and reminded the group that we have standards already, now we'll enforce them
Assign ourselves as reviewer of a PR -> all agreed good idea.
Have a
column in tasks board rather than two columns -> KB created mockups of potential new task board (link inDev-Changes-Memo
Teams channel).View 4
agreed as best option. Discussion of labels, sorting of columns, etc. KB will write up some instructions on how to use the system, and to link them from said Teams channel. -
Fleeces for new starters - T-shirts and polo shirts also requested -> JH will get some quotes
Teams channel contribute to support issues effort calculations? -> all agreed to only discuss issues in this channel in 'support-issues' for accounting purposes. 'Read Only' access applied to channel? -
New web dashboard - JH would like to further develop -> TW suggested a code-chat/review of what's been done already before deploying. Agreed would be done on 25/07/2024. UPDATE: JH gave talk & demonstration on morning of 01/08/2024.
NOT looking at project board in Stand-Up meeting (as new checks cover most issues) -> agreed to check weekly during Friday's meeting as a trial.
Adding new sub-modules to EPICS Top repository -> agreed to create and add empty submodule (to master branch) at beginning of ticket, reviewer will then populate during final merge
Concern over large number of 'in progress' tickets -> suggestion to use 'impeded' label more freely rather than just for external reasons.
15 minute wait during Stand-Up - awkward with gap in middle while those present wait for others who've said they'll be late. Sometimes gap filled with looking further at system issues -> LC suggested to start 10:15 and do personal updates first, then look at system status. LC has checked meeting room availability. Agreed we'll try this for two sprints and review next but one retrospective. Highlight this for reviewer of said sprint
- KB was glad we finished the sprint with no tickets in the
column. Suggested explanation that we underestimated the number of tickets we were capable of completing. - FA glad Beckhoff issues fixed, JH all of the above for the same reason!
- DK and LC glad Open Day demonstration went well and thanked everyone involved.
- DK and others glad JD has made very good start and fitted in to Team well.