IMAT Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the new control system on IMAT.

Background & Timeline

The IMAT web page describes the background to the instrument. Additional material is also available on the IMAT sharepoint.

Slides sets from IMAT operational review of 21st May 2014 are available: Intro, Science, Engineering.

The presentation IMAT Overview provides an overview of the IMAT system from a computing/control perspective.

Control System

IMAT will use the IBEX control system.

Data Collection

Discussions regarding IMAT data collection requirements are documented in Minutes (15/10/2014) and Minutes (28/04/2015). The proposed file formats are also documented.

IMAT Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on IMAT. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
SKF Double Disc Chopper CHOPPER Ethernet/Modbus #617, #622 see SKF Choppers note
SKF T0 Chopper CHOPPER Ethernet/Modbus #617, #622 see SKF Choppers note
SKF Double Disc Chopper CHOPPER Ethernet/Modbus #617, #622 see SKF Choppers note
Pfeiffer TPG 300 ISIS Vacuum System RS232 #216
ISIS Sample Attenuator Pneumatic Actuator see Beam Attenuator note
ISIS Pin Hole Selector #265 see Pinhole Selector note
ISIS JAWS GALIL-based Ethernet #178, #179 see Jaws note
ISIS Incident Slits GALIL-based Ethernet #178, #179 see Incident Slits note
ISIS Monitors #265 see Incident Slits note
7-axis Sample Positioning System #435 see Sample Positioning System note
ISIS Sample Environment Various see Sample Environment note
TBD TBD Camera Positioning Robot TBD see Camera Positioning Robot note
UC(Berkeley) Camera1 Med. Res. CCD Imaging Camera Specific to camera see Berkeley Camera note
CNR Camera2 see Messina Camera note
CNR Camera Focussing see Messina Camera note
ISIS DAE 2 or 3? Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
Mantracourt ADW15 Load cell meter RS232 or RS485 see Mantracourt note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS
Newport M-ILS50PP Linear Stage, Stepper Motor Ethernet EPICS see Newport Motor note

Note: SKF Choppers

IMAT will have three sets of choppers: a double-disk chopper, a T0 chopper and a second double-disk chopper. All three SKF choppers use the same control system: see SKF Modbus/TCP interface for details. Instrument scientists would like to control choppers as 5 independent disks. There is also a need to "park" the choppers in the open position (to allow white beam imaging).

Note: Beam Attenuator

The purpose of beam attenuator is to protect the sample & camera while either is being positioned. The time taken to open/close the beam attenuator is about 1s. Driven by pneumatic actuator between limits (2 limit switches). Position is In/Out. Must communicate with sample positioner - needs both automatic operation and manual control. Also communicate with data acquisition (c.f. Pause/resume on SANS2D) and camera system. See IMAT Fast Shutter for a diagram. Note: the beam attenuator was originally known as the "fast shutter", but this name is now deprecated. See also: IMAT Sample Attenuator Minutes.


The OMRON PLC will be used to control gate valves and instrument vacuum. It will also be used for control of the pneumatic actuator for the Beam Attenuator.

Note: Pinhole Selector

The Pinhole Selector is a wheel containing mounts for 6 pinhole apertures - set positions for each. Single axis motion control (stepper motor). Controlled by Galil. See IMAT Pin Hole Selector for a diagram. See also: IMAT Pin Hole Selector Details and IMAT Pin Hole Selector Minutes.

Note: Jaws

5 x beam-collimating jaw-sets, controlled by Galil. See IMAT Jaws & Collimating Slits for a diagram. See also: IMAT Jaws/Slits Minutes

Note: Slits

X-Y slits (2 linear translations), controlled by Galil. See IMAT Jaws & Collimating Slits for a diagram.

Note: Monitors

6 monitors, controlled by Galil. In/Out set positions.

  1. M1 is positioned immediately upstream of the first double-disk chopper.
  2. M2 is positioned immediately upstream of the second double-disk chopper.
  3. M3 is positioned immediately downstream of the second double-disk chopper.
  4. M4 is positioned immediately downstream of the pin-hole selector.
  5. M5 is positioned immediately downstream of the beam attenuator. See IMAT M5 Monitor for a diagram of the M5 monitor.
  6. M6 position - to be communicated.

Note: Sample Positioning System

Comprises upper and lower stacks. Lower stack has X, Y & Z translational degrees of freedom, plus rotational degree of freedom about the Z-axis. Z range = 0-1000mm, X & Y ranges = +/-500mm. Rotation is 0-370 degrees. Upper stack will be an "off-the-shelf" tomography stack (3 rotational degrees of freedom). Most axes motors will be controlled by Galil (using Galil 4400 firmware). Some axes motors will be controlled by a Beckhoff system (further details required). Sample stack needs to communicate with fast shutter. See IMAT Sample Positioning System for a diagram.

Note: Sample Environment

For information about the IMAT sample environment see: ​IMAT Sample Environment and IMAT Sample Environment Minutes.

Note: Camera Positioning Robot

Details of robot positioning system are yet to be decided. In practice, control of the camera positioning robot may be handled separately from the instrument control system. See IMAT Camera for a illustration of the concept.

Note: Berkeley Camera

Medium resolution CCD Imaging Camera. The camera is being manufactured by UC(Berkeley). Assumption is that this camera will have its own control PC.

Note: Messina Camera

High resolution CCD Imaging Camera. The camera is being manufactured by CNR (University of Messina). Camera is being manufactured by CNR. Control of Andor i334T is via USB 2.0 connector. Camera will have its own control PC. See IMAT Camera Autofocussing System​ for more details. Focussing of camera is performed using a 1 x linear motor, controlled by Newport. See IMAT Camera Autofocussing System​​ for more details. 2 x motors to control mirror tilt. Further details in the ​camera handbook and ​camera electronics handbook.

This camera has its own control PC that runs the IOCs. The hostname can be found in the globals.txt.

Note: DAE

12+ racks for 20K detector elements.

Note: Mantracourt

Used to measure load on IMAT sample stack .

Note: Newport Motor

Newport Linear Stepper Motor. 50mm linear travel. Used to focus CNR camera. Does this motor have its own controller h/w, or does it need a separate controller? Further details in the camera handbook and ​camera electronics handbook.