NIMROD Instrument Details - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This page collects information that will be useful for the implementation of the IBEX control system on NIMROD.

Background & Timeline

NIMROD is a diffractometer instrument at ISIS, on TS2. The NIMROD web page describes the background to the instrument.

Control System

NIMROD will migrate from the SECI control system to the IBEX control system ahead of Cycle 2019/02.

NIMROD Equipment

The equipment listed below is used on NIMROD. Please add new information (e.g. new items of equipment, new notes, information about drivers, etc. to this table).

Manufacturer Model Type Connection Driver Notes
ISIS DAE 2 Detector Electronics Ethernet see DAE note
GALIL DMC2280 Motion Controller Ethernet EPICS
??? 4-blade jaws see Jaws note
ISIS ??? ISIS Vacuum System see Vacuum System note
Pfeiffer TPG300 Vacuum Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Vacuum System note
Pfeiffer TPG26x Vacuum Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Vacuum Pump note
Eurotherm Temperature Controller All models at ISIS RS-232 EPICS see Eurotherm note
ISIS NIMROD Sample Changer Sample Changer RS-232 see NIMROD Sample Changer note
Julabo FP-50 Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
Julabo FP-52 Water Bath RS-232 see Water Bath note
Oerlikon Centre One Pressure Gauge RS-232 EPICS see Oerlikon note
MKS PDR2000 Pressure Transducer RS-232 EPICS see MKS note
MKS PR4000B Digital Pressure Controller RS-232 EPICS see MKS note
ISIS TiZr Cell Eurotherms RS-232
Note: DAE

Main Detector banks + fixed monitors.

Note: Chopper

NIMROD has no choppers.

Note: Jaws

NIMROD has 6 sets of 4-blade jaws controlled by Galils. Motion of jaws is coordinated? (see NIMROD Jaws VI).

Note: Vacuum System

The vacuum pressure on NIMROD is the pressure in the NIMROD tank/chamber itself. NIMROD only needs to monitor the vacuum pressure; scientists do not want to control the vacuum system from IBEX. Scientists also monitor the pressure of the guide, also using a TPG300. TPG300 support is implemented via #216 and #2063

Note: Vacuum Pump

NIMROD uses a vacuum pump (in conjunction with CCRs). A TPG26x is used to measure the pressure. TPG26x support was originally implemented via #1411, #2379 and #2578

Note: Eurotherm

Eurotherms are used to control temperature Orange Cryostat, CCR and Furnace devices.

Note: NIMROD Sample Changer

The NIMROD sample changer is a two-axis (vertical and rotation) sample changer controlled by a Galil.

As of July 2023, the lower limit for the vertical axis is not physically working, so be careful when changing soft limits for the sample changer's vertical axis. The sample changer is set to home to the upper limit as the switch works.

Note: Water Bath

NIMROD uses two types of water bath, both Julabo models: FP-50 and FP-52.
See supported Julabo models for more details. NIMROD uses the FP-52 model of Julabo most frequently (+90%), used in conjunction with the Sample Changer. Sometimes NIMROD uses water as the coolant/heating medium; sometimes it uses oil or glycol as the coolant/heating medium (Julabo/Presto A40 device).

According to the Water Baths page, NIMROD uses WB21 (which is a Julabo FB52-SL). This contradicts the above information - need to check this. The Julabo Commands spreadsheet indicates that WB21 is configured to use the "small" Julabo command set.

NIMROD also uses oil bath OB-1 (Presto A40 oil bath) from time to time.

Note: Oerlikon

Oerlikon Centre-One pressure gauges appear to obsolete. There is a manual here: C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\Oerlikon Centre One

Note: MKS

The MKS PDR2000A Pressure Transducer provides power and readout up to two (2) Baratron® pressure transducers. The MKS PR4000B Digital Power Supply and Display module is available with either one or two channels. The single-channel version controls one pressure transducer or one mass flow controller. The two-channel version supports up to two pressure transducers or two mass flow controllers, or one of each.

There are EPICS drivers for a variety of MKS devices (although there is a driver for a PR4000B pressure transducer, there does not appear to be one for a PDR2000). The manual for the MKS PR4000B is here: \\isis\shares\ISIS_Experiment_Controls\MKS_PR4000B_Controller. The SECI VI for the MKS PDR2000 is here: C:\LabVIEW Modules\Drivers\MKS PDR2000 Pressure Gauge.

Note: Please refer to ticket #3962 when implementing support for the PDR2000 on NIMROD.

NIMROD Specialist UI Panels

NIMROD has the following specialist panels/systems:

  1. NIMROD Jaws - calculates jaw settings based on moderator projection.


Document information about NIMROD SECI configs here.

Configuration Name Sub-Configurations Last Accessed Required
NIMROD_temp.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_SuperStick.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_SC.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_RB1410637.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_RB1410416.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_CCR.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NIMROD_Basic.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -
NiceIceSECI.conf - dd/mm/yyyy -

NIMROD Genie Scripts

On NIMROD, normal practice is to adapt an earlier script. There is no library of scripts. Most scripts are similar to those used on SANDALS. It might be useful to create some genie_python scripts to serve as examples. One script that could be converted (to serve as an example) is fraser10_depwarmup.gcl.

Script Name Notes Last Accessed Required
fraser10_depwarmup.gcl Convert to use an a template/example for future scripts dd/mm/yyyy -

The "dry_run" feature used on SANDALS scripts could be handy for NIMROD too.



NIMROD tends to use a lot of different pumps (e.g. Oerlikon, Edwards, Pfeiffer). Worth having support for a variety of pumps to make switching between pumps easy.

Gas Panel

NIMROD will be getting a new gas panel system, which will use two MKS PR4000-B pressure controllers. IBEX will need to display pressure readings (up to 4, 2 from each).

Neutron Camera

There is a plan to install a neutron camera on NIMROD. The camera would be a Neutron Optics device. It will be mounted on a simple axis to move it in/out of the beam.

This has been installed on Galil 4 axis 5 (D) on NIMROD. Motion setpoints have been added under the name CAMERA for this, with positions for in/out of the beam.

Electrochemical Cell Positioner

A device is being built to position an electrochemical cell in the beam. This is a single linear axis with continuous positioning. We need not concern ourselves with the cell itself as this will be controlled by the users.