Setting up googleTest to work with EPICS build process - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

This is a guide to set up googleTest with EPICS at ISIS. This allows you to write C++ unit tests for your C/C++ code in an IOC. Examples of IOCs that run tests like this are the Keithley 2001 and the cryosms.



You will need to have the googleTest support submodule and built the master branch. This will create a gtest.lib which you can link against.

More information on googleTest can be found at We are using version 1.8.x currently at ISIS.

Good places to start on how to write tests using googleTest is here.

More advanced usage (including ASSERT_THROWS, ASSERT_NO_THROW and ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ) can be found here.

Examples can be found here.

Release file

Remember to add the path to the Google Test support module in your support module Release file (in configure/Release).


Building the test runner

Make sure you include the following lines in your Makefile alongside the source code to create a test runner executable.

ifeq ($(findstring 10.0,$(VCVERSION)),)
# googleTest Runner

GTESTS += runner

Note: you should exclude the line GTESTS += runner if you are using run_tests.bat as described below (i.e. if your tests need external dependencies). This is the line that tells the default runtests makefile target to include this test.

You then need to include all the files you need for your tests using

runner_SRCS += #names of test files and source files

If your tests are in a different directory to your source files, you can add that directory to your SRCs path using

SRC_DIRS += #path to your tests directory

Running your tests

Once built you can run the tests by doing make runtests in your submodule. This will print the test results and also save them to an xml file in src/O.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH). This file will be picked up by Jenkins.

Sample Test

The following below is a sample test file

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {
    TEST(Sample, this_is_a_sample_test){
        ASSERT_EQ(1+1, 2);
} // namespace

Tests with external dependencies

In some cases you may want to write unit tests that depend on other EPICS modules e.g. asyn. To do this you will need to create the required dlls and run the tests manually. First in your makefile in src add the following lines at the bottom:

ifdef T_A
install: dllPath.bat


Then in the top of your submodule create run_tests.bat that looks like:

@echo off
set "ARCH=%1"
set "TESTPATH=%~dp0<IOC_NAME>App/src/O.%ARCH%"
if exist "%TESTPATH%\runner.exe" (
    call %TESTPATH%\dllPath.bat
    %TESTPATH%\runner.exe --gtest_output=xml:./test-reports/TEST-<IOC_NAME>.xml
) else (
    @echo No tests to run

Then in the top makefile you will need to override the runtests rule by adding in:

.PHONY: runtests

	run_tests.bat $(EPICS_HOST_ARCH)

An example of an IOC that does this is the cryosms.

Common issues

Tests pass but error afterwards "Cannot detect source of"

You may need to include the line -include $(GTEST)/cfg/compat.RULES_BUILD at the end of your Makefile, note the leading - which is to make the include optional, this is to stop failures on a global make clean when $(GTEST)/cfg will get removed before the module is processed.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️