Project Documentation - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

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We have three wikis:

  1. IBEX wiki
  2. IBEX user manual
  3. IBEX developer wiki

IBEX wiki

IBEX wiki this contains information at the project level for instrument scientists. Tells us about future plans, current activities, the current status of large items (e.g. version numbers) and information that instrument scientists need e.g. sprint review or instrument migrations.

IBEX user manual

The IBEX user manual is for users of the system (including scientists and instrument scientists). This is details about how to use IBEX, there is some minimal information about setting up devices and there may be links to dev manual but we try not to add this. This includes a link to genie_python.

IBEX developer wiki

The IBEX developer wiki, this is where all other information lives. It tells us how to develop and maintain IBEX and details of how we improve certain items.