Sprint Review and Retro - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki
- Before the end of the sprint copy the template file in the the Files are of our General channel, update the name and details as appropriate and pin it to the tabs
- Unpin the previous sprint review PowerPoint and move it into the
Past Sprint Reviews
folder - Let everyone know that the presentation has been created
- On the morning of the review meeting, remind people to add slides to the presentation
During the Meeting
Go through each person's slide and get them to demo and mention tickets they have done
Discuss any issues and goodness in the code
Review the retrospective notes from the previous meeting, which will be found at the top of the page. The items to discuss will be located under 'Items from this retrospective:' and 'Other comments (Mad/Glad/Sad)'
Open up Teams > IBEX Developers > retrospective and discuss any items below the relevant post:
--------------------- retrospective stuff discussed above here --/--/---- ------------------------------
Discuss any Mad/Glad/Sad comments within the team
Discuss any final comments or thoughts that do not fit within the scope of Mad/Glad/Sad
After the Meeting
- Follow up any issues that were found by creating new tickets if needed