Page Index - MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA/ GitHub Wiki
316 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Basics
- Cultivating the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for any purpose
- Teaching
- The Yeast Pathway Kit
- Gel electrophoresis
- Plasmid DNA from E. coli
- DNA extraction & colony PCR
- Transformation
- E. coli
- S. cerevisiae
- Yeast cell (protein) extract from S. cerevisiae
- Methods (miscellaneous)
- E. coli strains
- E. coli media
- Yeast media
- Stock solutions
- Miscellaneous
- 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4
- 2x PCR mastermix
- 2xPCR mastermix
- Acknowledgement
- addgene_standard_primers
- Agar
- agarose gel casting
- alkaline lysis plasmid mini prep
- amc
- amino acid drop out mix
- amino acids
- Ampicillin
- ampicillin
- anabolic
- antibiotics
- ApE
- assay
- autoclaving
- Bachman
- Bio Rad Mini Sub Cell
- boiling miniprep
- bradford
- broken links output
- cake
- Calcium Competent Cells
- catabolic
- catalase lab
- catalase lab pt
- Chloramphenicol plasmid amplification
- chokladbollar
- clip art
- colab
- Congresses
- Consumo de Glicose
- Counting Yeast Cells Using a hemocytometer
- cracking gel
- CRISPr with plasmid pRCC K
- cuvette
- ddH2O
- delft
- dH2O
- DH5α
- disintegration protocol
- disruptor genie
- DNA loading buffer
- dnaudit
- DNS pt
- dNTPs
- Documenting a genetic construct
- EGB2023 In vivo assembly in yeast
- EGB2023 In vivo assembly in yeast results
- EGB23
- EGB24
- EGB25
- elitech datareader
- emoji
- Engenharia Genética e Bioinformática
- English
- enzyme
- enzyme activity
- Enzyme activity exercise
- Eppendorf tube
- Erlenmeyer
- etbr
- ethanol precipitation
- eurofins_standard_primers
- Extraction of chromosomal DNA with PCA (phenol:chloroform:isoamylalcohol)
- FastPrep
- fatval
- Fisksoppa
- GBM23
- Genbank
- genbank reference
- Genetic nomenclature
- Geneticin
- geneticin
- GenoSmart
- getting started
- glass bead plating
- glassware
- Glucose
- Glucose Consumption
- Glucose Consumption pt
- glycolysis
- GMB21
- Greek letters
- GRS Plasmid Purification Kit
- High competent cells from liquid culture
- High Efficiency Yeast Transformation Protocol
- homeostasis
- How many times can I reuse electrophoresis buffer?
- How to mark your material
- how to pipette correctly
- how to read a paper
- how_to_plan_a_software_project
- Hygromycin
- illustrations
- in silico assembly of a pYPKa vector
- in silico assembly of a TU vector
- in silico assembly of pTA1_TDH3_ATF1_PGI1
- in silico assembly of pTA1_TDH3_ScATF1_PGI1
- in silico assembly of pYPKa_A_ATF1
- In vivo assembly in yeast
- indonesisk kycklinggryta
- journal club
- kakvåfflor
- kanelbullar
- KanMX4
- KCl
- kycklingsoppa
- LAB7️⃣ PL3 plasmid rescue, E. coli transformation
- ladders
- lamp
- LB
- LB amp
- LB kan
- LB24
- LBpowder
- LBx6
- LiAc Borate
- LIB20
- Ligase buffer
- ligation
- Ligation mastermix
- linear regression
- linkers
- lyticase
- M9
- maintaining lab notes
- material
- mec
- Merlin
- metabolic maps
- MG7α
- MgCl2
- MgSO4
- microscope
- microwave yeast colony pcr
- midiprep
- Midori Green DNA loading buffer (LBx2wMidori)
- mRNA extraction
- MultiTube_Vortexer_Multi Tube_Vortexer
- NaCl
- NanoDrop
- NaOH
- P40Y20
- parafilm
- Pathway assembly with the Yeast Pathway Kit
- PCR clean up
- PEG LiAc ssDNA
- people
- petri dish grid
- phone dir
- pipetting
- plasmid rescue
- plasmid_maps
- practical considerations
- Preparation of Penn State DNA ladders (pPSU)
- Preparation of yeast cell extracts with Y PER
- primer design
- primer_design
- primers
- pTA1_FASIIb_pLann
- pTAx assembly strategy
- Purifying and testing recombinant Taq DNA polymerase
- pYPKa cloning protocol
- pYPKa cloning protocoll
- python
- Rapid isolation of yeast total DNA
- rectifier
- Render Jupyter notebook in your browser
- Replacing Notepad
- restriction digestion
- SD
- search
- SEM (Inoue) competent cells
- sequence_formats
- sequencing
- SimplyCloning
- snik short
- software
- square petri dish
- standard pcr protocol
- Standard protocol for preparing yeast cells
- standard_primers
- Strain information
- Streak for single colonies
- Sucrose
- Super Broth
- SuperBroth
- symbol
- Tables
- Taq purification
- TB
- TE
- Terrific Broth
- Tetracycline
- tetracycline
- The Yeast Pathway Kit
- TP01
- TP02_Visualizing_linear_and_circular_DNA_with_ApE
- TP02_Visualizing_linear_and_circular_DNA_with_ApE
- TP03_In silico_sub_cloning_using_ApE
- TP04_Manual_PCR_simulation\TP04_Manual_PCR_simulation
- TP05_Primer_design_and_melting_temperature_calculations_for_PCR_primers\TP05_Primer_design_and_melting_temperature_calculations_for_PCR_primers
- TP06_How_to_download_sequences_from_Genbank\TP06_How_to_download_sequences_from_Genbank
- TP07_Genbank_and_the_Genbank_flat_file_format\TP07_Genbank_and_the_Genbank_flat_file_format
- TP08_Saccharomyces_Genome_Database\TP08_Saccharomyces_Genome_Database
- TP09_Cloning_by_HR_and_Gibson_assembly\TP09_Cloning_by_HR_and_Gibson_assembly
- TP10_Searching_databases_using_BLAST\TP10_Searching_databases_using_BLAST
- TP11_fungal_protein_BLAST\TP11_fungal_protein_BLAST
- TP12_Restriction_mapping2\TP12_Restriction_mapping2
- TP13_Agarose_gel_electrophoresis\TP13_Agarose_gel_electrophoresis
- TP14_how_to_take_the_bioinformatics_test_on_your_own_computer\TP14_how_to_take_the_bioinformatics_test_on_your_own_computer
- TP16_Sequence_comparison_using_dotlet\TP16_Sequence_comparison_using_dotlet
- TP17_Picking_primers_for_cloning_and_sequencing_with_the_webserver_Primer3Plus\TP17_Picking_primers_for_cloning_and_sequencing_with_the_webserver_Primer3Plus
- TP18_assembly_of_the_p416TEF_vector_from_a_published_cloning_strategy\TP18_assembly_of_the_p416TEF_vector_from_a_published_cloning_strategy
- TP19_Picking_primers_with_ApE\TP19_Picking_primers_with_ApE
- TP20_Assembly_of_pTAx_vectors\TP20_Assembly_of_pTAx_vectors
- TP21_Automatic_PCR_product_simulation_using_WebPCR_v004\TP21_Automatic_PCR_product_simulation_using_WebPCR_v004
- TP22_Assembly_of_a_yeast_deletion_cassette\TP22_Assembly_of_a_yeast_deletion_cassette
- TP23_Design_of_a_c terminal_GFP_fusion_protein_expression_construct_using_pUG35\TP23_Design_of_a_c terminal_GFP_fusion_protein_expression_construct_using_pUG35
- TP24_small_scale_assembly_of_DNA_sequence_reads_v001\TP24_small_scale_assembly_of_DNA_sequence_reads_v001
- TP25_GoldenGateCloning\TP25_GoldenGateCloning
- TP26 Simply Cloning
- TP26_Simply_Cloning\TP26_Simply_Cloning
- TP27_EduBlocks_Python3\TP27_EduBlocks_Python3
- TP28_Metabolic_Yield_Calculations\TP28_Metabolic_Yield_Calculations
- TP31_Primer_design_and_cloning_genetic_elements_in_YPK\TP31_Primer_design_and_cloning_genetic_elements_in_YPK
- TP33\TP33
- TP34_Assembly_of_a_TU_using_YPK\TP34_Assembly_of_a_TU_using_YPK
- TP35 Chemical Thermodynamics
- TP35 Chemical Thermodynamics
- TP35 Chemical Thermodynamics pt
- TP35 Chemical Thermodynamics pt
- TP36 Metabolism
- TP36 Metabolism
- TP36 Metabolism pt
- TP36 Metabolism pt
- TP37 Metabolism II
- TPs
- trafo prepare frozen competent yeast
- Transcription Unit cloning protocol
- transesterification
- Transform frozen competent yeast cells
- Transforming Frozen Competent E. coli
- TrisHCl
- Turner
- Tween Myristic acid
- vaccuum manifold
- vortex
- weighing boat
- writing
- XL1 blue
- xyzzy
- Y2H_by_mating
- Yeast and bacterial freezer stocks
- yeast cell extract
- Yeast cell fixation with formaldehyde
- yeast colony pcr
- Yeast DNA isolation with Lyticase or Zymolyase
- Yeast genomic DNA extraction with LiOAc SDS
- Yeast transformation GBM23
- Yeast transformation GBM24
- yeast transformation short
- YPArabinose
- YPDlight
- YPDpowder
- YPGal
- ypk_restriction_enzymes