YPDpowder - MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA/MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA.github.io GitHub Wiki
YPD medium can be premade in dry form and used to quickly prepare YPD using a microwave oven.
This can be a practical way of storing a YPD stock in dry form.
For 2.5L final medium:
- 25 g yeast extract
- 25 g peptone (50 g/L normally)
- 50 g glucose
add tap water to to 1L
For 500 ml liquid medium, take 25 g of the mix and dissolve in 500 mL tap water add 10g agar for plates. Use a 1 L schott bottle and run for 10 min at full power in a microwave oven with the cap shut tightly
If this medium gets wet, the glucose will turn it into a solid paste.