vaccuum manifold - MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA/ GitHub Wiki
This manifold was made from a plastic tupperware style box. A thick piece (~ 1 cm) acrylic plastic was glued on the top of the lid for stability under vacuum.
Holes were drilled through the acrylic and the lid and 1.5 mL eppendorf tubes were glued in the holes. The holes should be made slightly smaller than the eppendorf tubes for a tight fit.
Super glue and bathroom silicone were used to glue this together. Two large rubber plugs were glued to the lid from below to prevent the box from imploding. This could probably be avoided by choosing an even thicker piece of acrylic and making sure it covers the entire lid.
It worked and it was used to successfully to speed up plasmid preparation and for washing columns after HCl treatment as a part of this column recycling protocol.