dsIUPAC - MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA/MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA.github.io GitHub Wiki

This document defines an extension to the IUPAC DNA alphabet for double stranded DNA. This extension is called dsIUPAC and allow unambiguous description of a double stranded DNA molecule with single stranded regions using a single sequence of characters.


The IUPAC DNA alphabet is a set of symbols designated by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to represent nucleotide bases in DNA sequences, including ambiguity codes for cases where multiple nucleotides are possible at a particular position. Here are the symbols and their meanings:

  1. A - Adenine
  2. T - Thymine
  3. C - Cytosine
  4. G - Guanine

Ambiguity codes (representing multiple possible nucleotides):

  1. R - Purine (A or G)
  2. Y - Pyrimidine (C or T)
  3. S - Strong interaction (G or C)
  4. W - Weak interaction (A or T)
  5. K - Keto group (T or G)
  6. M - Amino group (A or C)
  7. B - Not A (C, G, or T)
  8. D - Not C (A, G, or T)
  9. H - Not G (A, C, or T)
  10. V - Not T (A, C, or G)
  11. N - Any nucleotide (A, T, C, or G)

These symbols allow for flexibility in representing DNA sequences, especially when there is uncertainty in base composition at specific positions.


Alphabet Symbol Complement Bases
" A T A
" T A T
" C G C
" R Y G or A
" Y R T or C
" M K A or C
" K M G or T
" S S G or C
" W W A or T
" H D A or C or T
" B V G or T or C
" V B G or C or A
" D H G or A or T
" N N G or A or T or C
dsIUPAC U O U in top strand, A in complementary strand
" O U A in top strand, U in complementary strand
"" E F A in top strand, complementary strand empty
" I J C "
" P Q G "
" X Z T "
" Z X A in complementary strand, top strand empty
" Q P C "
" J I G "
" F E T "

The choice of symbols for the dsIUPAC extension facilitate intuitive recognition of compatible single stranded regions, i.e. sticky-ends.


Two double stranded DNA molecules with compatible terminal 5'- single strand overhangs:

GATCaUaAa                   ad-hoc representation

PEXIaUaOaQFZJ               representation using dsIUPAC

We can easily recognize that alphabetically, P is followed by Q, E by F and I by J. This symmetry is only broken by the X, Z pair of necessity since Y is already used in the IUPAC alphabet.

DNA molecules with compatible terminal 3'- single strand overhangs:

    aaaGATC        aaaGATC           ad-hoc representation
CTAGttt        CTAGttt              

QFZJaaaPEXI    QFZJaaaPEXI           representation using dsIUPAC


IUPAC       = ABCD  GH  K MN   RST VW Y                
dsIUPAC     =     EF  IJ L  OPQ   U  X Z   +  IUPAC

punctuation = @ # $ % + > < * (still free)

Representations of double stranded DNA


>format1 two strings & space

>format2 two strings & pipe

>format3 two strings & hyphen

>format4 three strings, pipe & hyphen