YPGES - MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA/MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA.github.io GitHub Wiki
Yeast Extract Peptone Glycerol+Ethanol+Succinate (Also called YEPEG)
This medium can be used to test the respiratory capability of yeast strains. They seem to grow faster on this medium than on YP glycerol or YP ethanol.
This protocol can be found on BIONET MOLBIO YEAST newsgroup in a post by Aidan Weatherill.
- Dissolve 10 g of sodium succinate (270.15 g/mol) in 500 ml of distilled H20
- Add 10 g yeast extract 20 g bacto-peptone 21 ml of glycerol (87% or equivalent)
- Adjust pH to 5.5 with 1 M base
- Add 20 g agar for solid medium
- Add distilled H20 to 1000 ml
- Autoclave
- When cooled down add 30 ml 95% ETOH and mix
original post:
Yeast will tend to go petite (lose there mitochondria) when frozen, I am not
sure if this will affect there compatance, but you can select for whole
cells by growing on YEPEG plates.
1. Dissolve 10 gm of succinic acid in 500 ml of distilled H20
2. add 10 gm yeast extract
20 gm bactopeptone
20.8 ml of glycerol
3. adjust pH to 5.5 with 1 M base
4. add 20 gm agar
5. add distilled H20 to 970 ml
6. autoclave
7. when cool add 27.5 ml 95% ETOH
This paper might be the original reference:
McCusker JH, Perlin DS, Haber JE. Pleiotropic plasma membrane ATPase mutations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cell Biol. 1987 Nov;7(11):4082-8. doi: 10.1128/mcb.7.11.4082-4088.1987. PMID: 2963211; PMCID: PMC368079.
This paper also mentions the recipe:
Weger SD, Ganji A, Clemons KV, Byron JK, Minn Y, Stevens DA. Correlation of the frequency of petite formation by isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with virulence. Med Mycol. 2002 Apr;40(2):161-8. doi: 10.1080/mmy. PMID: 12058729.