Page Index - terrytaylorbonn/auxdrone GitHub Wiki
292 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- 1 Dev local
- 1.1 API test (paren)
- 1.1 API doc only
- 1.1 Sim AP core
- 1.1b Django
- 1.2 API only
- 1.2 Sim AP cpp mission as ROS node
- 1.3 API with API doc
- 1.3a Sim AP AI yolo obj recog
- 1.3b Sim AP lidar obj avoid
- 1.4 Sim AP swarm
- 1.4 Swagger
- 1.5 API todo
- 1.5 Sim AP flight planners
- 1.6 Sim PX4 core
- 1.7 Sim PX4 Matlab UAV toolbox
- 1.8 Sim Matlab AI
- 10.1 SITL core
- 10.2 SITL cpp mission as ROS node
- 10.3 SITL AI yolo obj recog
- 10.4 SITL Lidar obj avoid
- 10.5 SITL Swarm
- 10.6 SITL Flight planners
- 10.7 SITL PX4 core
- 13.1 AI CC Ubuntu
- 13.2 AI CC PI5
- 13.3 AI CC PI4
- 13.4 AI CC Jnano
- 13.5 AI CC STM
- 13.6 AI Study
- 14b.1 Matlab UAV toolbox
- 14b.2 Matlab AI
- 15.1 AI Kamikadze
- 1a.1 SBee INAV first flight
- 1a.2 SBee INAV GPS modes
- 1a.3 SBee INAV video
- 1a.3a Cam joystick
- 1a.3b Smart audio
- 1a.3c VTX control OSD
- 1a.3d SBee VTX tests
- 1a.4 SBee INAV carbon frame
- 1a.5 SBee INAV tuning missions
- 1a.6 SBee repair
- 2 Deploy
- 2.0 Tech overviews
- 2.1 AI Ubuntu
- 2.1 MVP
- 2.1 Non AWS GCP
- 2.1 Non‐AWS GCP
- 2.1b AWS SSL
- 2.2 AI PI4
- 2.2 AWS
- 2.2 GPS
- 2.3 AI Jetson Nano
- 2.3 GCP
- 2.3 Video
- 2.4 AI STM
- 2.4 Carbon frame
- 2.4 Terraform
- 2.5 AI study
- 2.5 CICD
- 2.5 Missions
- 2.5b AWS CodeCatalyst
- 2.6 Deploy todo
- 2.6 Tuning
- 2.7 Post crash rebuild
- 20 Kalman KK
- 21 CV
- 21.3 Api docs
- 22 AI
- 2a.1 Pix PX4 first flight
- 2a.2 Pix PX4 second outdoor flight
- 2a.3 Pix PX4 mission test flight
- 2c.1a Add PI5 and camera
- 2c.1b 1 Jnano 6c connection
- 2c.1b 3 Flight test 1
- 2c.1b Add JNano and camera
- 3 API management
- 3.1 HITL PX4
- 3.2 HITL Ardupilot
- 3.2 JavaScript
- 3.3 HITL Matlab
- 3.3 Python
- 4 Frameworks
- 4.1 Batteries
- 4.2 Test rig
- 4.3 Peripherals config
- 4.4 Firmware build
- 4.5a SpeedyBee F405v3 config
- 4.6 Flight rig
- 4.7 Video GPS config
- 4.z Tuning
- 4a 2 Platform 1b SBeeF405 Betaflight
- 4a 3 Platform 1c SBeeF405 Ardupilot
- 4a.12 Tuning
- 4a.13 Flight 3_missions tuning
- 4a.5 Flight 1
- 4a.5 Flight 1a
- 4a.5 Flight 1c
- 4a.7 Flight modes and missions
- 4a.8 FC modes using GPS
- 4a.8 Flight 2
- 4b 2 Platform 2b Pixhawk6c Ardupilot
- 4b.4 Firmware build 6c
- 4b.5 Pixhawk 6c config
- 5 Other
- 5.0 Tech overviews
- 5.1 Flight 1 indoor test
- 5.1 Git
- 5.1 STM32 tools
- 5.2 AWS
- 5.2 FC firmware dev
- 5.2 Flight 2 GPS flight modes
- 5.2b AWS certification
- 5.2c AWS todo
- 5.3 Etc
- 5.3 FC firmware APIs
- 5.3 Flight 3 Missions
- 5.4 ROS
- 5.5 TxRx dev
- 5.6 Stealth
- 5000 line Swagger file
- 6 Platform 3 Pixhawk6c PX4 with AI
- 62.1 Cloud
- 62.2 Python
- 62.3 Other Git Conf Jira etc
- 63 api backup 24.0919
- 63.0a Demos
- 63.0b Concepts
- 63.1 REST Swagger
- 63.2 Sphinx
- 63.3 GraphQL
- 63.4 Postman
- 63.6 API deploy
- 63.7 SDKs
- 63.X Notes
- 6b.0a Minefield mapping
- 6b.0b Stealth drone burst comms
- 6b.1 Mine clearance
- 6b.2 Target lockon
- 6b.3 Stealth drone burst comms
- 7.1 Config object recog
- 7.1 Nano
- 7.1b PX4‐Jnano connect
- 7.2 Flight 1 kitchen test
- 7.2 PI
- 7.2.1 Pix6c PX4 AI JNano kitchen build test
- 7.2.2 Pix6c PX4 AI JNano flight build test in outdoors
- 7.3 Flight 2 field test
- 7a Tech notes
- 7b.1b AP‐Jnano connect
- 8.1b PX4‐PI5 connect
- 8a.1 Nano‐PX4 connect code
- 8a.2 Kitchen build test
- 8a.3 Field build test
- 8b.1b AP‐PI5 connect
- 9.0 SIH NANO PX4
- 9.1 HITL PX4
- 9.2 HITL AP
- 9.3 HITL Matlab
- AI
- AI drone overview
- API and API‐doc examples
- API management
- API sandbox
- Avoiding walls and rabbit holes
- AWS other (Sec CICD AI)
- Blog
- Blog (old)
- Chinese brand components
- Complete doc set
- Computer vision engineer
- Concepts
- Conferences
- Config files
- CV AWS FastApi
- Demo and sandbox sites
- Demo and sandbx sites old 24.1113
- Deployment history
- Dev process current
- Development process
- django vercel
- Documentation
- Dont waste your time
- Epic 1 Build and fly FPV drone
- Epic 2 Build and fly Pixhawk drone
- Epic 3 Add AI to Pixhawk drone
- Epic 4 Basic autonomy
- Epic 5 Advanced autonomy
- Epic 6 Project management
- Epic 7 Mission platforms and special projects
- Epic 8 PITS Pie in the sky
- First flight fast track
- FPV goggles
- FPV simulators
- FPV tech overviews
- Further education
- Getting into the air ASAP
- Git
- Git Conf Jira
- Industry overview
- Kalman tutorial
- Latest progress
- Mission platforms
- My drone simulation with AI project
- Notes2
- Other flight simulators
- Part 1 Total simulation
- Part 10 SITL
- Part 11 FC FW APIs
- Part 12 ROS
- Part 13 AI CC
- Part 13c CC autonomy algorithms
- Part 14 FW dev
- Part 14b Matlab
- Part 15 Mission platforms
- Part 16 Special projects
- Part 2 Real AI HW
- Part 2 SBeeF405 INAV
- Part 3 Real FC HITL
- Part 3 SBeeF405 BF
- Part 4 Basic platform build
- Part 4 SBeeF405 AP
- Part 4b Basic platform build 6c
- Part 5 Firmware ROS dev
- Part 5 Mission platform build
- Part 5 Pix6c PX4
- Part 6 Pix6c AP
- Part 61 Project docs
- Part 62 Git
- Part 62.5 AWS Patterns
- Part 62.5 DCT playlist
- Part 64 End user docs
- Part 6b Mission platforms
- Part 7 AI AP Jnano
- Part 7 AI cc cam
- Part 7 AI Jnano
- Part 7 Config files
- Part 7 Incoming
- Part 7 Reference
- Part 7b AI AP Jnano
- Part 8 AI PI5
- Part 8 AI PX4 PI5
- Part 8a AI Nano PX4
- Part 8b AI AP PI5
- Part 8b AI Nano AP
- Part 8c AI PI PX4
- Part 8d AI PI AP
- Part 9 HITL
- Part X Special projects
- Partial sim no Gaz
- Partial sim with Gaz
- Partial sim with gesture control
- Pix tech overviews
- Platform 2 Pixhawk
- Platform 3 Pixhawk AI
- Project challenges
- Project demos
- Project sites
- Reference
- Shopping list
- Sim partial concepts
- SonicModell Baby AR
- Tech overviews
- The AI part
- The goal
- The race
- The Ziptie part
- The ZiptieAI project
- Update INAV
- Upset about strike
- Web and API doc
- Why (I created) ZiptieAI
- Why (you need) ZiptieAI
- Why a sandbox
- Why the name ZiptieAI
- Wiki organization
- Workflows
- X.2 ESP32 Radar
- X.3 Optical flow lidar range finder
- z 8 AI algorithms
- z All simulation
- z ETC3 ROS
- z FRP1 Holybro X500
- z Homebrew FPV
- z Part 4 Flight ready platform
- z Progress (old)