9.0 SIH NANO PX4 - terrytaylorbonn/auxdrone GitHub Wiki
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The doc 9.0_SIH_nano_px4_ETH_v07_ shows how how I (somehow, magically) got SIH + object detection + mission interrupt working (simulation test)
- SIH (sim in hw)
- nano-px4 connection via ETH (telem3)
- obj recognition interrupts mission and lands copter when nano sees human
This is an important milestone. HITL demanded too many resources, and I saw no value from using jmavsim. SIH seems to be a practical way to test the logic of python programs on the CC (Nano) that are to be used to make the copter do (potentially complex) maneuvers in response to the Nano AI detecting something. This logic needs to be simulation tested before trying in the field.
Note: I have not seen any other demo like this one that includes the actual setup details. The details for this demo are still a little bit rough. I wanted to get this working (and posted on the wiki before july 4th and before my impending summer (working) vacation that starts 6th july. Never thought I would actually get a demo of this all working before 6th july!
Person recognized (my fingers) when i opened camera shutter (copter is already flying SIH mission)
Nano switches (pymavlink) copter mission mode to land // copter lands.
test setup (everything running on pixhawk 6c and nano)
PX4 v1.9 (MC)PX4 v1.13 (MC, VTOL, FW)