Part 1 Total simulation - terrytaylorbonn/auxdrone GitHub Wiki
In this part 1 (Gdrive) all components are simulated (including the world). This kind of simulation is valuable because
- The flight computer (FC) controls all surfaces (just the rotors). Simple Mavlink commands are sent to FC to fly the copter. Therefore copter reaction to flight commands can be simulated accurately.
- Ground control stations (QGC, MP) are computer based anyway.
- The CC (mission, companion computer) runs several protocols (ROS, MAVROS, MAVLINK, MAVPROXY) that can be simulated accurately.
For Ardupilot
- 1.1 Sim AP Core (SITL, Gaz, ROS)
- 1.2 Sim AP C++ mission as ROS node
- 1.3a Sim AP AI Yolo obj recog
- 1.3b Sim AP Lidar obj avoid
- 1.4 Sim AP Drone swarm
- 1.5 Sim AP Flight planners
For PX4
- 1.6 Sim PX4 Core (SITL, Gaz, ROS) 24.0219
- 1.7 Sim PX4 Matlab UAV toolbox 24.0222
- 1.8 Sim PX4 Matlab AI sim 24.0225 For PX4
PS1: I include Matlab for one reason because I read that parts of the PX4 code were auto-generated from Matlab.
PS2: The Ardupilot part follows a video series put together by Eric from Intelligent Quads 4 years ago. My docx's make things easier to follow (and I verified each step many times), but I could not have made such fast progress without his series. His is the only (genuinely) step-by-step intro to the drone world that I have found.