Page Index - hyvanmielenpelit/GnollHack GitHub Wiki
2116 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- GnollHack
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Playing
- Settings
- Online Sharing
- Additional Information
- Development
- Contact Us
- Legal Information
- Abbot
- Abjuration spell
- Abjuration Spells
- Abolish magic resistance
- Absolution
- Acid blob
- Acid venom
- Acolyte
- Activating Curses Interface on Public Servers
- Activating Curses Interface on Public Servers for Linux Terminal
- Activating Curses Interface on Public Servers for macOS Terminal
- Adamantium full plate mail
- Adamantium key
- Add New Path to PATH Environment Variable on Windows
- Adept
- Advanced Keyboard Features
- Advanced Sound System
- Agate
- AI Usage Policy
- Air elemental
- Aklys
- Alchemy smock
- Aleax
- Aligned priest
- Alignments
- Alphabetic list of items
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Amonket
- Amulet of change
- Amulet of ESP
- Amulet of life saving
- Amulet of magical breathing
- Amulet of mana
- Amulet of reflection
- Amulet of restful sleep
- Amulet of seeing
- Amulet of strangulation
- Amulet of unchanging
- Amulet of Yendor
- Amulet versus petrification
- Amulet versus poison
- Amulet versus undeath
- Amulets
- Ancient black dragon
- Ancient blue dragon
- Ancient gold dragon
- Ancient gray dragon
- Ancient green dragon
- Ancient orange dragon
- Ancient red dragon
- Ancient silver dragon
- Ancient white dragon
- Ancient yellow dragon
- Ancus
- Android Releases
- Android Version Building Checklist
- Angel
- Animate air
- Animate earth
- Animate fire
- Animate water
- Animations
- Anti magic shell
- Ape
- Apple
- Apprentice
- Aquamarine
- Arcane spell
- Arcane Spells
- Arch lich
- Arch Priest
- Archaeologist
- Archaeologist role
- Archmage
- Archon
- Armageddon
- Armor
- Arrow
- Arrow of Diana
- Art Contribution Guidelines
- Art Objects
- Artifact Wishless
- Artifacts
- Ashikaga Takauji
- Asmodeus
- Athame
- Atheist
- Attendant
- Attribute Scores
- Avocado
- Axe
- Axe (Skill)
- Baalzebub
- Baby crocodile
- Baby long worm
- Baby purple worm
- Backpack
- Bag of holding
- Bag of infinite sling bullets
- Bag of the glutton
- Bag of treasure hauling
- Bag of tricks
- Bag of wizardry
- Bahamut
- Balor
- Baluchitherium
- Banana
- Banded mail
- Banish demon
- Banner
- Baphomet
- Barbarian
- Barbarian role
- Barbed devil
- Bardiche
- Bare handed combat
- Barkskin
- Barrow wight
- Bat
- Bathrobe
- Battle axe
- Beak mask of sickness resistance
- Beartrap
- Bec de corbin
- Bell
- Bell of Opening
- Belt of change
- Belt of dwarvenkind
- Belt of fire giant strength
- Belt of fortitude
- Belt of frost giant strength
- Belt of hill giant strength
- Belt of stone giant strength
- Belt of storm giant strength
- Bill guisarme
- Bison
- Black blade of disaster
- Black blade of disintegration
- Black dragon
- Black dragon hatchling
- Black dragon scale mail
- Black dragon scales
- Black lichen
- Black light
- Black naga
- Black naga hatchling
- Black opal
- Black orc
- Black pearl
- Black pudding
- Black unicorn
- Blank paper
- Bless
- Blindfold
- Blinding venom
- Bludgeoning weapon
- Blue dragon
- Blue dragon hatchling
- Blue dragon scale mail
- Blue dragon scales
- Blue jelly
- Boa constrictor
- Body Armor
- Bone
- Bone devil
- Bone golem
- Boneless
- Bones Files
- Bones Sharing
- Bookshelf
- Boomerang
- Boots
- Boulder
- Bow
- Bow (Skill)
- Bracers
- Bracers against magic missiles
- Bracers of archery
- Bracers of defense
- Bracers of reflection
- Bracers of shaking and tottering
- Bracers of spell casting
- Brass horn
- Brass lantern
- Broadsword
- Bronze key
- Bronze plate mail
- Brooch of haplessness
- Brooch of shielding
- Brown mold
- Brown pudding
- Bugbear
- Bugle
- Build Instructions for Android Version on Windows
- Build Instructions for Android Version on Windows (.NET MAUI)
- Build Instructions for ASCII Version on Linux
- Build Instructions for ASCII Version on Windows
- Build Instructions for iOS Version on Windows
- Build Instructions for iOS Version on Windows (.NET MAUI)
- Build Instructions for Windows GUI Version on Windows
- Build Instructions for WinUI3 Version on Windows (.NET MAUI)
- Bullwhip
- Burning hands
- C ration
- Call Bahamut
- Call Demogorgon
- Call ghoul
- Call hierarch modron
- Can of grease
- Cancellation
- Candelabrum of Invocation
- Candy bar
- Captain
- Carnivorous ape
- Carrot
- Casual Classic Mode
- Casual Mode
- Cave spider
- Caveman
- Caveman role
- Celestial dove
- Celestial eagle
- Celestial spell
- Celestial Spells
- Celestial storm
- Centipede
- Cerberus
- Chain mail
- Chameleon
- Champignon
- Changing Between Two Sets of Weapon and Shield
- Chanterelle
- Chaos mimic
- Chaotic
- Character Classes
- Charisma
- Charm monster
- Charon
- Cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor
- Chest
- Chickatrice
- Chieftain
- Chimera
- Choosing the Right Difficulty Level
- Choosing the Right Gameplay Mode
- Chrysoberyl
- Circle of fire
- Circle of frost
- Circle of lightning
- Circle of magic
- Circle of radiance
- Circle of sunlight
- Circle of teleportation
- Citrine
- Clairvoyance
- Classic Mode
- Clay golem
- Clay pebble
- Cleaver
- Clerical gown
- Clerical spell
- Clerical Spells
- Cloak of displacement
- Cloak of integrity
- Cloak of invisibility
- Cloak of magic resistance
- Cloak of protection
- Cloaks
- Clone Repository in Visual Studio
- Cloudberry
- Clove of garlic
- Club
- Clump of bat guano
- Cluster of dates
- Cobra
- Cockatrice
- Coffin
- Cold enchant item
- Comestibles
- Commune
- Community
- Composite long bow
- Composite short bow
- Conditions
- Cone of cold
- Configure Visual Studio for Mobile Version Development
- Configuring PuTTY for IBM Graphics
- Conflictless
- Confuse monster
- Congregate
- Conjuration spell
- Conjuration Spells
- Constitution
- Contact Information
- Control undead
- Controlled level teleport
- Controlled teleport
- Cornuthaum
- Corpse
- Cotton hood
- Cotton slippers
- Couatl
- Coyote
- CPU and GPU Usage Modes in Modern Windows Port (.NET MAUI WinUI 3)
- Cram ration
- Cream pie
- Create clay golem
- Create dracolich
- Create elder dracolich
- Create familiar
- Create food
- Create fruits
- Create gemstone golem
- Create giant mummy
- Create glass golem
- Create gold golem
- Create iron golem
- Create minor mummy
- Create monster
- Create paper golem
- Create silver golem
- Create stone golem
- Create water
- Create wood golem
- Credit card
- Credits
- Crocodile
- Croesus
- Crossbow
- Crossbow (Skill)
- Crossbow bolt
- Crossbow of the Gnoll Lords
- Crown of rulership
- Crowning
- Crysknife
- Crystal ball
- Crystal plate mail
- Cubic gate
- Cure blindness
- Cure petrification
- Cure sickness
- Curse
- Cyclops
- Dagger
- Dagger (Skill)
- Dark One
- Dart
- Death
- Death cap
- Death enchant item
- Death flayer
- Death gazer
- Deathspell
- Debugging Linux Version in WSL using Visual Studio Code
- Delete Old Directories
- Demilich
- Demogorgon
- Demon blood talisman
- Demonbane
- Dented pot
- Desktop Only Features
- Detailed Features
- Detect blessedness
- Detect food
- Detect monsters
- Detect traps
- Detect treasure
- Detect unseen
- Development Information
- Dexterity
- Diabolical sceptre
- Diamond
- Difficulty Levels
- Dig
- Digging
- Dilithium crystal
- Diminish magic resistance
- Dingo
- Direwolf
- Direwolf cub
- Disable App Updates on iOS
- Disable App Updates on Windows
- Disable Auto Update on Android
- Disarm trap
- Disenchanter
- Disintegrate
- Disjunction
- Dispater
- Divination spell
- Divination Spells
- Divine endurance
- Divine intervention
- Divine long bow
- Divine mount
- Divine strength
- Djinni
- Dodge
- Dog
- Dominate monster
- Doppelganger
- Double headed flail
- Download
- Dracolich
- Dragon fruit
- Dragonbane
- Drain level
- Drum of earthquake
- Dual wielding
- Dunce cap
- Dust vortex
- Dwarf
- Dwarf king
- Dwarf lord
- Dwarf mummy
- Dwarf race
- Dwarf zombie
- Dwarven geologist
- Dwarvish axe
- Dwarvish cloak
- Dwarvish helm
- Dwarvish mattock
- Dwarvish mithril coat
- Dwarvish roundshield
- Dwarvish short sword
- Dwarvish spear
- Earth elemental
- Egg
- Elberethless
- Elder air elemental
- Elder dracolich
- Elder earth elemental
- Elder fire elemental
- Elder gazer
- Elder long worm
- Elder long worm tail
- Elder quantum mechanic
- Elder tentacled one
- Elder treant
- Elder water elemental
- Electric eel
- Electrocute
- Elemental Enchantments
- Elf
- Elf lord
- Elf mummy
- Elf race
- Elf zombie
- Elven arrow
- Elven bard
- Elven boots
- Elven broadsword
- Elven cloak
- Elven dagger
- Elven helm
- Elven long bow
- Elven mithril coat
- Elven runedagger
- Elven shield
- Elven short sword
- Elven spear
- Elven waybread
- Elvenking
- Emerald
- Enable Share iPhone iPad Analytics with App Developers
- Enable Xamarin.iOS Connections
- Enchant armor
- Enchant weapon
- Enchanted arrow
- Enchantment spell
- Enchantment Spells
- Energy vortex
- Enlightenment
- Enroll for Apple Development Program (Mac)
- Erinys
- Ettin
- Ettin mummy
- Ettin skeleton
- Ettin zombie
- Eucalyptus leaf
- Excalibur
- Exceptional and Elite Wands
- Exceptional, Elite, Celestial, Primordial, and Infernal Armor
- Exceptional, Elite, Celestial, Primordial, and Infernal Items
- Exceptional, Elite, Celestial, Primordial, and Infernal Weapons
- Expensive camera
- Expensive handbag
- Expensive watch
- Experienced
- Expert
- Extra healing
- Eyeglasses of awkwardness
- Eyeglasses of hallucination
- Eyeglasses of see invisible
- Eyeglasses of X ray vision
- Faithful hound
- Famine
- Fauchard
- Fear
- Feather
- Features
- Fedora
- Field plate mail
- Fig
- Figurine
- Finger of death
- Fire ant
- Fire bolt
- Fire Brand
- Fire elemental
- Fire enchant item
- Fire giant
- Fire horn
- Fire storm
- Fire vortex
- Fireball
- Flail
- Flail (Skill)
- Flame burst
- Flame strike
- Flaming sphere
- Flesh golem
- Flesh to stone
- Flind
- Flind lord
- Flindbar
- Flint
- Flint stone
- Floating eye
- Fluorite
- Fly agaric
- Fog cloud
- Food ration
- Foodless
- Forbid summoning
- Force bolt
- Force field armor
- Force strike
- Forest centaur
- Fork
- Fortune cookie
- Fountains
- Fox
- Freezing sphere
- Freezing touch
- Frost Brand
- Frost giant
- Frost horn
- Fruit
- Full healing
- Full plate mail
- Fumble boots
- Galadhrim boots
- Galadhrim bow
- Game Configuration
- Game performance in CPU rendering on Android devices
- Game performance in CPU rendering on iPhones and iPads
- Gameplay Improvements
- Gameplay Information
- Gargantuan beetle
- Gargantuan cockatrice
- Gargantuan Mimic
- Gargoyle
- Garnet
- Garter snake
- Gas spore
- Gauntlets
- Gauntlets of balance
- Gauntlets of dexterity
- Gauntlets of fumbling
- Gauntlets of ogre power
- Gaze of petrification
- Gazer
- Gecko
- Gelatinous cube
- Gems and Stones
- Gemstone golem
- Genocideless
- Geometric key
- Geryon
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Giant
- Giant anaconda
- Giant ant
- Giant bat
- Giant beetle
- Giant cockatrice
- Giant eel
- Giant luggage
- Giant mimic
- Giant mummy
- Giant python
- Giant rat
- Giant skeleton
- Giant spider
- Giant zombie
- Giantslayer
- Ginseng root
- Glabrezu
- Glacial grasp
- Glaive
- Glass golem
- Glass piercer
- Glass sword
- Glob of black pudding
- Glob of brown pudding
- Glob of gray ooze
- Glob of green slime
- Globe of invulnerability
- Gloves
- Gloves of haste
- Gloves of spell casting
- Gnoll
- Gnoll king
- Gnoll lord
- Gnoll mummy
- Gnoll race
- Gnoll supreme warden
- Gnoll warden
- Gnoll zombie
- GnollHack Account
- GnollHack Account Privacy Policy
- GnollHack Android App Privacy Policy
- GnollHack App Privacy Policy
- GnollHack iOS App Privacy Policy
- GnollHack Servers
- Cookie Policy
- Gnollish bone mail
- Gnollish haircloth robe
- Gnollish hood
- Gnollish leather armor
- Gnollish leather mask
- Gnollish quarrel
- Gnollish studded leather armor
- Gnome
- Gnome king
- Gnome lord
- Gnome mummy
- Gnome zombie
- Gnomish felt hat
- Gnomish wizard
- Goblin
- Goblin king
- Goggles of eye protection
- Goggles of night
- Gold dragon
- Gold golem
- Gold key
- Gold piece
- Golden chest
- Golden earrings
- Golden naga
- Golden naga hatchling
- Golf club
- Gorgon
- Gown of the archbishops
- Grail of healing
- Grand Master
- Grand Master (Difficulty)
- Grappling hook
- Gray dragon
- Gray dragon hatchling
- Gray dragon scale mail
- Gray dragon scales
- Gray ooze
- Gray unicorn
- Grayswandir
- Great orc
- Great orcish shield
- Great Yendorian summoning
- Greater animate air
- Greater animate earth
- Greater animate fire
- Greater animate water
- Greater dwarven mummy geologist
- Greater frost ray
- Greater healing
- Greater magic missile
- Greater mummy
- Greater mummy high priest
- Greater mummy pharaoh
- Greater mummy priest
- Greater undeath replenishment
- Green dragon
- Green dragon hatchling
- Green dragon scale mail
- Green dragon scales
- Green elf
- Green mold
- Green slime
- Gremlin
- Grey elf
- Grid bug
- Grimtooth
- Grizzly bear
- Guard
- Guardian angel
- Guardian naga
- Guardian naga hatchling
- Guide
- Guisarme
- Halberd
- Halfling
- Hand crossbow
- Handful of nuts
- Handful of spinach leaves
- Hardfought Servers
- Harpy
- Haste monster
- Haste self
- Hawaiian shirt
- Headband of cranial tightness
- Headband of intellect
- Headband of martial prowess
- Healer
- Healer role
- Healing
- Healing mushroom
- Healing spell
- Healing Spells
- Heap of sporal powder
- Heavenly army
- Heavenly oak mace
- Heavenly serpent
- Heavenly touch
- Heavy crossbow
- Heavy iron ball
- Heavy war hammer
- Hell bat
- Hell bovine
- Hell hound
- Hell hound pup
- Helm of brilliance
- Helm of opposite alignment
- Helm of telepathy
- Helmet
- Helms
- Hermit
- Hezrou
- High boots
- High priest
- Hill giant
- Hill orc
- Hippocrates
- Hobgoblin
- Hold monster
- Hold undead
- Holy symbol
- Holy word
- Homunculus
- Horn of chaos
- Horn of plenty
- Horned devil
- Horse
- Housecat
- How GnollHack differs from NetHack
- How Modern Windows Version Differs from Legacy Windows Version
- How to Add Environment Variable on Windows
- How to Cure Various Conditions
- Howling Flail
- Huge chunk of meat
- Human
- Human king
- Human mummy
- Human race
- Human skull
- Human zombie
- Hunter
- Hydra
- Hyena
- Ice box
- Ice devil
- Ice storm
- Ice troll
- Ice vortex
- Identify
- Iguana
- Illiterate
- Imp
- Improved Graphical Interface
- Improved monster detection
- Incinerate
- Incubus
- Install Bison and Flex on Mac
- Install Main Menu Background Videos
- Install PuTTY and PSCP and Create Download Scripts for Static iOS Library Project
- Install Secrets File
- Install Tile Sets and FMOD Sound Banks
- Install vcremote for Static iOS Library Project
- Install Visual Studio 2022 Preview for .NET MAUI Development
- Install Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Installing MSIX Packages on Windows 10 and 11
- Instructions for Developing GnollHackM Project (.NET MAUI)
- Intelligence
- Invisibility
- iOS Releases
- Ioun stone of awareness
- Ioun stone of charisma
- Ioun stone of constitution
- Ioun stone of dexterity
- Ioun stone of experience
- Ioun stone of incessant hunger
- Ioun stone of intelligence
- Ioun stone of magic resistance
- Ioun stone of protection
- Ioun stone of regeneration
- Ioun stone of restful sleep
- Ioun stone of spell mastery
- Ioun stone of strength
- Ioun stone of sustenance
- Ioun stone of wisdom
- Iron chain
- Iron golem
- Iron piercer
- Items
- Items starting with A
- Items starting with B
- Items starting with C
- Items starting with D
- Items starting with E
- Items starting with F
- Items starting with G
- Items starting with H
- Items starting with I
- Items starting with J
- Items starting with K
- Items starting with L
- Items starting with M
- Items starting with N
- Items starting with O
- Items starting with P
- Items starting with Q
- Items starting with R
- Items starting with S
- Items starting with T
- Items starting with U
- Items starting with V
- Items starting with W
- Items starting with X
- Items starting with Y
- Ixoth
- Jabberwock
- Jacinth
- Jackal
- Jade
- Jagged toothed club
- Jaguar
- Jar of basilisk blood
- Jar of extra healing salve
- Jar of greater healing salve
- Jar of medicinal salve
- Jar of prodigious healing salve
- Jasper
- Javelin
- Jellyfish
- Jet
- Jinxstone
- Jubilex
- Juggernaut
- Jumping
- Jumping boots
- JunetHack
- K ration
- Katana
- Kelp frond
- Keyboard Commands
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keystone Kop
- Ki rin
- Kicking boots
- Killer bee
- King Arthur
- King wraith
- Kitten
- Knife
- Knight
- Knight role
- Knock
- Known Issues in Modern Windows Port (.NET MAUI WinUI 3)
- Known Working Build Setups
- Kobold
- Kobold lord
- Kobold mummy
- Kobold shaman
- Kobold zombie
- Kop Kaptain
- Kop Lieutenant
- Kop Sergeant
- Kraken
- Lance
- Land mine
- Large box
- Large cat
- Large direwolf
- Large dog
- Large five branched candelabrum
- Large kobold
- Large luggage
- Large mimic
- Large ram
- Large shield
- Lawful
- Leash
- Leather armor
- Leather bag
- Leather belt
- Leather bracers
- Leather cloak
- Leather drum
- Leather gloves
- Leather golem
- Leather hat
- Leather jacket
- Leather sandals
- Lemure
- Lenses
- Leprechaun
- Lernaean hydra
- Leucrotta
- Level teleport
- Levitation
- Levitation boots
- Lich
- Lichen
- Lieutenant
- Light
- Lightning bolt
- Lightning enchant item
- Little dog
- Live Streaming Instructions
- Lizard
- Loadstone
- Lock pick
- Long bow
- Long sword
- Long worm
- Long worm tail
- Lord Carnarvon
- Lord Sato
- Lord Surtur
- Low boots
- Lower magic resistance
- Lower water
- Lucern hammer
- Luck Blade
- Luckstone
- Lump of royal jelly
- Lurker above
- Lynx
- Mace
- Mace of the underworld
- Mage armor
- Magic arrow
- Magic candle
- Magic chest
- Magic flute
- Magic harp
- Magic key
- Magic lamp
- Magic mapping
- Magic marker
- Magic mirror
- Magic missile
- Magic storm
- Magic whistle
- Magical implosion
- Magicbane
- Mail daemon
- Main gauche
- Major consultation
- Mana mushroom
- Mandrake root
- Manes
- Manuals and Catalogues
- Marilith
- Martial arts
- Mass charm
- Mass conflict
- Mass create dracolich
- Mass create mummy
- Mass domination
- Mass fear
- Mass hold
- Mass raise zombie
- Mass sleep
- Mass slow
- Master
- Master Assassin
- Master Kaen
- Master key
- Master lich
- Master of Thieves
- Mastodon
- Mattock of the Titans
- Maul of the Titans
- Maximum Mana
- Meat ring
- Meat stick
- Meatball
- Medieval robe
- Medium luggage
- Medusa
- Melon
- Meteor swarm
- Mine cart
- Minion of Huhetotl
- Minor consultation
- Minor Features
- Minor healing
- Minotaur
- Mirror
- Mirror image
- Miscellaneous Items
- Mithril full plate mail
- Mithril key
- Mjollnir
- Mobile Version Development
- Modern Mode
- Modron duodrone
- Modron monodrone
- Modron pentadrone
- Modron Primus
- Modron quadrone
- Modron quarton
- Modron quinton
- Modron secundus
- Modron tertian
- Modron tridrone
- Modronite cube
- Modronite dodecahedron
- Modronite icosahedron
- Modronite monopole
- Modronite octahedron
- Modronite sphere
- Modronite tetrahedron
- Monk
- Monk role
- Monkey
- Monsters
- Monsters starting with A
- Monsters starting with B
- Monsters starting with C
- Monsters starting with D
- Monsters starting with E
- Monsters starting with F
- Monsters starting with G
- Monsters starting with H
- Monsters starting with I
- Monsters starting with J
- Monsters starting with K
- Monsters starting with L
- Monsters starting with M
- Monsters starting with N
- Monsters starting with O
- Monsters starting with P
- Monsters starting with Q
- Monsters starting with R
- Monsters starting with S
- Monsters starting with T
- Monsters starting with U
- Monsters starting with V
- Monsters starting with W
- Monsters starting with X
- Monsters starting with Y
- Monsters starting with Z
- Monsters that Grow Up
- Morning star
- Mountain centaur
- Mountain nymph
- Mournblade
- Movement spell
- Movement Spells
- Mucilaginous cube
- Mummy wrapping
- Music
- Mythic and Legendary Items
- Nalfeshnee
- Nalzok
- Nature spell
- Nature Spells
- Neanderthal
- Necromancy spell
- Necromancy Spells
- Neferet the Green
- Negate magic resistance
- Negate undeath
- Neo otyugh
- Neutral
- Never change a form
- Never hit with a wielded weapon
- Never polymorphed an object
- New Rooms
- Newt
- Ninja
- Norn
- Nose ring of bull strength
- Nose ring of bullheadedness
- Nose ring of cerebral safeguarding
- Nudist
- Nugget of adamantium ore
- Nugget of copper ore
- Nugget of gold ore
- Nugget of iron ore
- Nugget of mithril ore
- Nugget of orichalcum ore
- Nugget of platinum ore
- Nugget of silver ore
- Nurse
- Object Materials
- Obliterate
- Obsidian
- Ochre jelly
- Ogre
- Ogre archmage
- Ogre king
- Ogre lord
- Ogre mage
- Ogre overlord
- Ogresmasher
- Oil lamp
- Oilskin cloak
- Oilskin sack
- Oliphant
- Opal
- Open GnollHack Solution in Visual Studio
- Open GnollHackM Solution in Visual Studio
- Options
- Oracle
- Oracular toadstool
- Orange
- Orange dragon
- Orange dragon hatchling
- Orange dragon scale mail
- Orange dragon scales
- Orc
- Orc captain
- Orc king
- Orc mummy
- Orc race
- Orc shaman
- Orc zombie
- Orcish arrow
- Orcish chain mail
- Orcish cloak
- Orcish dagger
- Orcish helm
- Orcish ring mail
- Orcish shield
- Orcish short bow
- Orcish short sword
- Orcish spear
- Orcrist
- Orcus
- Orichalcum full plate mail
- Orichalcum key
- Oriental silk sack
- Orion
- Ornamental key
- Ornamental orcish dagger
- Otyugh
- Overview of Building GnollHack with .NET MAUI
- Owlbear
- Owlbear matriarch
- Owlbear patriarch
- Owlbear shaman
- Pacifist
- Page
- Painting
- Pancake
- Panther
- Panther cap
- Paper golem
- Partisan
- Passwall
- Pear
- Pearl
- Pegasus
- Pelias
- Penny bun
- Periapt of vitality
- Pestilence
- Petless
- Phantomberry
- Phase spider
- Phoenix
- Pick axe
- Piece of wood
- Pinch of sulfurous ash
- Piranha
- Pit fiend
- Pit viper
- Plains centaur
- Plate mail
- Platform Support
- Platinum key
- Polearm
- Polymorph
- Pomegranate
- Pony
- Portal
- Potion of acid
- Potion of blindness
- Potion of cold immunity
- Potion of confusion
- Potion of dwarven mushroom brew
- Potion of elven herbal brew
- Potion of enlightenment
- Potion of extra energy
- Potion of extra healing
- Potion of fire immunity
- Potion of fruit juice
- Potion of full energy
- Potion of full healing
- Potion of gain ability
- Potion of gain energy
- Potion of gain level
- Potion of greater energy
- Potion of greater healing
- Potion of greater regeneration
- Potion of greater rejuvenation
- Potion of greater speed
- Potion of hallucination
- Potion of healing
- Potion of heroism
- Potion of invisibility
- Potion of lesser regeneration
- Potion of lesser rejuvenation
- Potion of levitation
- Potion of lightning speed
- Potion of magic resistance
- Potion of monster detection
- Potion of object detection
- Potion of oil
- Potion of paralysis
- Potion of poison
- Potion of polymorph
- Potion of regeneration
- Potion of rejuvenation
- Potion of restore ability
- Potion of see invisible
- Potion of shock immunity
- Potion of sickness
- Potion of sleeping
- Potion of speed
- Potion of super heroism
- Potion of titan strength
- Potion of urine
- Potion of water
- Potions
- Pouch of endless bolts
- Power word blind
- Power word kill
- Power word stun
- Prayer
- Prayerstone
- Priest
- Priest role
- Prisoner
- Privacy Policy
- Probe
- Prodigious healing
- Protect armor
- Protect weapon
- Protection
- Protection from acid
- Protection from charm
- Protection from cold
- Protection from curses
- Protection from death magic
- Protection from disintegration
- Protection from fire
- Protection from life draining
- Protection from lightning
- Protection from lycanthropy
- Protection from petrification
- Protection from poison
- Protection from sickness
- Public Servers
- Purple worm
- Pyrohydra
- Pyrolisk
- Python
- Quantum mechanic
- Quarterstaff
- Quarterstaff (Skill)
- Quasit
- Queen bee
- Quick Guide to Text Based User Interface
- Quiver of infinite arrows
- Quivering blob
- Rabid rat
- Races
- Raise giant skeleton
- Raise giant zombie
- Raise minor zombie
- Raise skeleton
- Raise skeleton king
- Raise skeleton lord
- Raise skeleton warrior
- Ram
- Ranger
- Ranger role
- Ranseur
- Raven
- Ray of radiance
- Reagents
- Reaper
- Rebuild Solution
- Red dragon
- Red dragon hatchling
- Red dragon scale mail
- Red dragon scales
- Red mold
- Red naga
- Red naga hatchling
- Reflection
- Release Checklist
- Remove curse
- Repeating crossbow
- Repeating heavy crossbow
- Replenish undeath
- Repository Structure
- Resistances and Saving Throws
- Restore ability
- Resurrection
- Rhongomyniad
- Riding
- Ring mail
- Ring of adornment
- Ring of aggravate monster
- Ring of cold resistance
- Ring of fire resistance
- Ring of fortitude
- Ring of free action
- Ring of gain constitution
- Ring of gain dexterity
- Ring of gain intelligence
- Ring of gain strength
- Ring of gain wisdom
- Ring of hunger
- Ring of increase accuracy
- Ring of increase damage
- Ring of invisibility
- Ring of levitation
- Ring of poison resistance
- Ring of polymorph
- Ring of polymorph control
- Ring of power
- Ring of protection
- Ring of protection from shape changers
- Ring of protection from undeath
- Ring of regeneration
- Ring of replenishment
- Ring of searching
- Ring of see invisible
- Ring of seven charges
- Ring of shock resistance
- Ring of slow digestion
- Ring of stealth
- Ring of supreme power
- Ring of sustain ability
- Ring of teleport control
- Ring of teleportation
- Ring of the serpent god
- Ring of three charges
- Ring of warning
- Ring of wizardry
- Ring of X ray vision
- Rings
- Robe of eyes
- Robe of magic resistance
- Robe of powerlessness
- Robe of protection
- Robe of splendor
- Robe of starry wisdom
- Robe of the archmagi
- Robes
- Roc
- Rock
- Rock mole
- Rock piercer
- Rock troll
- Rogue
- Rogue role
- Rope golem
- Roper
- Roshi
- Rothe
- Royal crown
- Rubber hose
- Ruby
- Ruby Rod of Asmodeus
- Runed flail
- Runed sceptre
- Runesword
- Rust monster
- Sack
- Saddle
- Salamander
- Samurai
- Samurai role
- Sandestin
- Sapphire
- Sarcophagus
- Sasquatch
- Save Game Compatibility
- Saw of mighty cutting
- Scale mail
- Scalpel
- Scimitar
- Scoring
- Scorpion
- Scorpius
- Scroll of amnesia
- Scroll of blank paper
- Scroll of charging
- Scroll of conflict
- Scroll of confuse monster
- Scroll of create monster
- Scroll of destroy armor
- Scroll of earth
- Scroll of enchant accessory
- Scroll of enchant armor
- Scroll of enchant weapon
- Scroll of fire
- Scroll of food detection
- Scroll of genocide
- Scroll of gold detection
- Scroll of identify
- Scroll of light
- Scroll of magic mapping
- Scroll of mail
- Scroll of protect armor
- Scroll of protect weapon
- Scroll of punishment
- Scroll of remove curse
- Scroll of retraining
- Scroll of scare monster
- Scroll of stinking cloud
- Scroll of supreme diabolism
- Scroll of taming
- Scroll of teleportation
- Scrolls
- Sergeant
- Settings
- Sewer rat
- Shade
- Shaman Karnov
- Share Your Progress to Discord Server Channel
- Shark
- Shield
- Shield (Skill)
- Shield of reflection
- Shields
- Shirt of comeliness
- Shirt of sound mindedness
- Shirt of uncontrollable laughter
- Shirts
- Shocking sphere
- Shocking touch
- Shoes
- Shoosuva
- Shopkeeper
- Short bow
- Short sword
- Shrieker
- Shuriken
- Silence
- Silk top hat
- Silver dragon
- Silver dragon hatchling
- Silver dragon scale mail
- Silver dragon scales
- Silver golem
- Silver key
- Silver saber
- Silver shoes
- Simple gown
- Skeleton
- Skeleton key
- Skeleton king
- Skeleton lord
- Skeleton warrior
- SkiaSharp Build Instructions
- Skills
- Sleep
- Sling
- Sling (Skill)
- Sling bullet
- Slow monster
- Small luggage
- Small mimic
- Small shield
- Smith
- Snake
- Snickersnee
- Soldier
- Soldier ant
- Solving Problems Watching Games Using PuTTY
- Spade of colossal excavation
- Spear
- Spectre
- Speed boots
- Spell Casting
- Spellbook of abolish magic resistance
- Spellbook of absolution
- Spellbook of animate air
- Spellbook of animate earth
- Spellbook of animate fire
- Spellbook of animate water
- Spellbook of anti magic shell
- Spellbook of armageddon
- Spellbook of arrow of Diana
- Spellbook of banish demon
- Spellbook of barkskin
- Spellbook of black blade of disaster
- Spellbook of blank paper
- Spellbook of bless
- Spellbook of Book of Modron
- Spellbook of Book of the Dead
- Spellbook of burning hands
- Spellbook of call Bahamut
- Spellbook of call Demogorgon
- Spellbook of call ghoul
- Spellbook of call hierarch modron
- Spellbook of cancellation
- Spellbook of celestial dove
- Spellbook of celestial eagle
- Spellbook of celestial storm
- Spellbook of charm monster
- Spellbook of circle of fire
- Spellbook of circle of frost
- Spellbook of circle of lightning
- Spellbook of circle of magic
- Spellbook of circle of radiance
- Spellbook of circle of sunlight
- Spellbook of circle of teleportation
- Spellbook of clairvoyance
- Spellbook of cold enchant item
- Spellbook of commune
- Spellbook of cone of cold
- Spellbook of confuse monster
- Spellbook of congregate
- Spellbook of control undead
- Spellbook of controlled level teleport
- Spellbook of controlled teleport
- Spellbook of create clay golem
- Spellbook of create dracolich
- Spellbook of create elder dracolich
- Spellbook of create familiar
- Spellbook of create food
- Spellbook of create fruits
- Spellbook of create gemstone golem
- Spellbook of create giant mummy
- Spellbook of create glass golem
- Spellbook of create gold golem
- Spellbook of create iron golem
- Spellbook of create minor mummy
- Spellbook of create monster
- Spellbook of create paper golem
- Spellbook of create silver golem
- Spellbook of create stone golem
- Spellbook of create water
- Spellbook of create wood golem
- Spellbook of cure blindness
- Spellbook of cure petrification
- Spellbook of cure sickness
- Spellbook of curse
- Spellbook of death enchant item
- Spellbook of deathspell
- Spellbook of detect blessedness
- Spellbook of detect food
- Spellbook of detect monsters
- Spellbook of detect traps
- Spellbook of detect treasure
- Spellbook of detect unseen
- Spellbook of dig
- Spellbook of diminish magic resistance
- Spellbook of disintegrate
- Spellbook of disjunction
- Spellbook of divine endurance
- Spellbook of divine intervention
- Spellbook of divine mount
- Spellbook of divine strength
- Spellbook of dominate monster
- Spellbook of drain level
- Spellbook of electrocute
- Spellbook of enchant armor
- Spellbook of enchant weapon
- Spellbook of enlightenment
- Spellbook of extra healing
- Spellbook of faithful hound
- Spellbook of fear
- Spellbook of finger of death
- Spellbook of fire bolt
- Spellbook of fire enchant item
- Spellbook of fire storm
- Spellbook of fireball
- Spellbook of flame burst
- Spellbook of flame strike
- Spellbook of flesh to stone
- Spellbook of forbid summoning
- Spellbook of force bolt
- Spellbook of force strike
- Spellbook of freezing touch
- Spellbook of full healing
- Spellbook of gaze of petrification
- Spellbook of glacial grasp
- Spellbook of globe of invulnerability
- Spellbook of great Yendorian summoning
- Spellbook of greater animate air
- Spellbook of greater animate earth
- Spellbook of greater animate fire
- Spellbook of greater animate water
- Spellbook of greater frost ray
- Spellbook of greater healing
- Spellbook of greater magic missile
- Spellbook of greater undeath replenishment
- Spellbook of guardian angel
- Spellbook of haste monster
- Spellbook of haste self
- Spellbook of healing
- Spellbook of heavenly army
- Spellbook of heavenly serpent
- Spellbook of heavenly touch
- Spellbook of hold monster
- Spellbook of hold undead
- Spellbook of holy word
- Spellbook of ice storm
- Spellbook of identify
- Spellbook of improved monster detection
- Spellbook of incinerate
- Spellbook of invisibility
- Spellbook of jumping
- Spellbook of knock
- Spellbook of level teleport
- Spellbook of levitation
- Spellbook of light
- Spellbook of lightning bolt
- Spellbook of lightning enchant item
- Spellbook of lower magic resistance
- Spellbook of lower water
- Spellbook of mage armor
- Spellbook of magic arrow
- Spellbook of magic mapping
- Spellbook of magic missile
- Spellbook of magic storm
- Spellbook of magical implosion
- Spellbook of major consultation
- Spellbook of manual
- Spellbook of mass charm
- Spellbook of mass conflict
- Spellbook of mass create dracolich
- Spellbook of mass create mummy
- Spellbook of mass domination
- Spellbook of mass fear
- Spellbook of mass hold
- Spellbook of mass raise zombie
- Spellbook of mass sleep
- Spellbook of mass slow
- Spellbook of meteor swarm
- Spellbook of minor consultation
- Spellbook of minor healing
- Spellbook of mirror image
- Spellbook of negate magic resistance
- Spellbook of negate undeath
- Spellbook of novel
- Spellbook of obliterate
- Spellbook of passwall
- Spellbook of polymorph
- Spellbook of portal
- Spellbook of power word blind
- Spellbook of power word kill
- Spellbook of power word stun
- Spellbook of prayer
- Spellbook of probe
- Spellbook of prodigious healing
- Spellbook of protect armor
- Spellbook of protect weapon
- Spellbook of protection
- Spellbook of protection from acid
- Spellbook of protection from charm
- Spellbook of protection from cold
- Spellbook of protection from curses
- Spellbook of protection from death magic
- Spellbook of protection from disintegration
- Spellbook of protection from fire
- Spellbook of protection from life draining
- Spellbook of protection from lightning
- Spellbook of protection from lycanthropy
- Spellbook of protection from petrification
- Spellbook of protection from poison
- Spellbook of protection from sickness
- Spellbook of raise giant skeleton
- Spellbook of raise giant zombie
- Spellbook of raise minor zombie
- Spellbook of raise skeleton
- Spellbook of raise skeleton king
- Spellbook of raise skeleton lord
- Spellbook of raise skeleton warrior
- Spellbook of ray of radiance
- Spellbook of reflection
- Spellbook of remove curse
- Spellbook of replenish undeath
- Spellbook of restore ability
- Spellbook of resurrection
- Spellbook of shield
- Spellbook of shocking touch
- Spellbook of silence
- Spellbook of sleep
- Spellbook of slow monster
- Spellbook of sphere of annihilation
- Spellbook of sphere of charming
- Spellbook of sphere of domination
- Spellbook of stick to boa
- Spellbook of stick to cobra
- Spellbook of stick to giant anaconda
- Spellbook of stick to python
- Spellbook of stick to snake
- Spellbook of stinking cloud
- Spellbook of stone to flesh
- Spellbook of stoneskin
- Spellbook of summon ancient dragon
- Spellbook of summon ancient gold dragon
- Spellbook of summon archon
- Spellbook of summon bison
- Spellbook of summon celestial dove
- Spellbook of summon celestial eagle
- Spellbook of summon cockatrice
- Spellbook of summon demon
- Spellbook of summon direwolf
- Spellbook of summon dragon
- Spellbook of summon elder treant
- Spellbook of summon gargantuan beetle
- Spellbook of summon gargantuan cockatrice
- Spellbook of summon giant ant
- Spellbook of summon giant cockatrice
- Spellbook of summon giant spider
- Spellbook of summon gold dragon
- Spellbook of summon grizzly bear
- Spellbook of summon owlbear
- Spellbook of summon owlbear patriarch
- Spellbook of summon pegasus
- Spellbook of summon phase spider
- Spellbook of summon phoenix
- Spellbook of summon purple worm
- Spellbook of summon raven
- Spellbook of summon roc
- Spellbook of summon soldier ant
- Spellbook of summon treant
- Spellbook of summon winter wolf
- Spellbook of summoning call
- Spellbook of sunlight beam
- Spellbook of telepathy
- Spellbook of teleport monster
- Spellbook of teleport self
- Spellbook of thunderstorm
- Spellbook of thunderstrike
- Spellbook of time stop
- Spellbook of titan strength
- Spellbook of touch of death
- Spellbook of touch of divinity
- Spellbook of touch of petrification
- Spellbook of turn undead
- Spellbook of warning
- Spellbook of water breathing
- Spellbook of water walking
- Spellbook of wish
- Spellbook of wizard lock
- Spellbook of wrath of god
- Spellbook of x ray vision
- Spells
- Spetum
- Sphere of annihilation
- Sphere of charming
- Sphere of domination
- Spiked boots
- Spiked gauntlets
- Spiked shield
- Spiked silver boots
- Spiked silver gauntlets
- Spiked silver shield
- Splint mail
- Spotted jelly
- Sprig of wolfsbane
- Staff of fire
- Staff of frost
- Staff of life
- Staff of the magi
- Staff of thunder and lightning
- Staff of withering
- Staff sling
- Staff Sling of the Ancients
- Stalker
- Standard
- Starting Guide for Beginners
- Starting Guide for NetHack Veterans
- Statue
- Status Bar
- Steam vortex
- Stethoscope
- Stick to boa
- Stick to cobra
- Stick to giant anaconda
- Stick to python
- Stick to snake
- Stiletto
- Sting
- Stinking cloud
- Stone giant
- Stone golem
- Stone key
- Stone pebble
- Stone to flesh
- Stoneskin
- Storm giant
- Stormbringer
- Straw golem
- Strength
- Studded leather armor
- Student
- Summon ancient dragon
- Summon ancient gold dragon
- Summon archon
- Summon bison
- Summon celestial dove
- Summon celestial eagle
- Summon cockatrice
- Summon demon
- Summon direwolf
- Summon dragon
- Summon elder treant
- Summon gargantuan beetle
- Summon gargantuan cockatrice
- Summon giant ant
- Summon giant cockatrice
- Summon giant spider
- Summon gold dragon
- Summon grizzly bear
- Summon owlbear
- Summon owlbear patriarch
- Summon pegasus
- Summon phase spider
- Summon phoenix
- Summon purple worm
- Summon raven
- Summon roc
- Summon soldier ant
- Summon treant
- Summon winter wolf
- Summoning call
- Sunglasses
- Sunlight beam
- Sunsword
- Supported Android Devices
- Supported iPhones and iPads
- Sword (Skill)
- Sword of holy vengeance
- Sword of luckiness
- Sword of nine lives stealing
- Sword of unholy desecration
- System Requirements for Modern Windows Port (.NET MAUI WinUI 3)
- T shirt
- Tailored silk robe
- Tallow candle
- Tarrasque
- Technological Features
- Telepathy
- Teleport monster
- Teleport self
- Tengu
- Tentacled one
- Terms and Conditions
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Emerald Sword
- The Eye of the Aethiopica
- The Eyes of the Overworld
- The Gauntlets of Yin and Yang
- The Gladstone
- The Heart of Ahriman
- The Holy Grail
- The Katana of Masamune
- The Kusanagi
- The Longbow of Diana
- The Mace of Saint Cuthbert
- The Magic Mirror of Merlin
- The Master Key of Thievery
- The Mitre of Holiness
- The Nine Lives Stealer
- The Orb of Detection
- The Orb of Fate
- The Platinum Yendorian Express Card
- The Prime Codex
- The Ring of Conflict
- The Ring of Three Wishes
- The Rod of Disjunction
- The Ruling Ring of Yendor
- The Sceptre of Might
- The Serpent Ring of Set
- The Staff of Aesculapius
- The Tsurugi of Muramasa
- Thoth Amon
- Thoul
- Thread of spider silk
- Throwing axe
- Thrown weapon
- Thrusting weapon
- Thug
- Thunderstorm
- Thunderstrike
- Tiamat
- Tiger
- Time stop
- Tin
- Tin opener
- Tin whistle
- Tinfoil hat of mind shielding
- Tinning kit
- Tips for the Modron Planes
- Titan
- Titan strength
- Titanothere
- Tooled horn
- Tools
- Tooth of Tarrasque
- Topaz
- Torch
- Touch of death
- Touch of divinity
- Touch of petrification
- Touchstone
- Tourist
- Tourist role
- Tournaments
- Towel
- Transmutation spell
- Transmutation Spells
- Trapper
- Treant
- Trident
- Tripe ration
- Triple headed flail
- Triple Headed Flail of Yeenaghu
- Troll
- Trollsbane
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Android Build Errors and Runtime Errors
- Troubleshooting Building GnollHack with .NET MAUI
- Troubleshooting Gameplay Problems of Modern Windows Port (.NET MAUI WinUI 3)
- Tsurugi
- Turn undead
- Turquoise
- Tutorials
- Two handed club
- Two handed sword
- Two handed weapon
- Twoflower
- Umbral hulk
- Unicorn horn
- Updating Tileset for GnollHackM (.NET MAUI)
- Valkyrie
- Valkyrie role
- Vampire
- Vampire bat
- Vampire king
- Vampire lord
- Vampire mage
- Vegan
- Vegetarian
- Verify Mobile Sound Banks
- Veteran
- Violet fungus
- Visual Studio Installation for ASCII and Windows GUI Version Development
- Visual Studio Installation for Mobile Version Development
- Vlad the Impaler
- Voice acting
- Vorpal Blade
- Voulge
- Vrock
- Wand (Skill)
- Wand of cancellation
- Wand of cold
- Wand of create monster
- Wand of death
- Wand of digging
- Wand of disintegration
- Wand of disjunction
- Wand of enlightenment
- Wand of evaporation
- Wand of fire
- Wand of identify
- Wand of light
- Wand of lightning
- Wand of locking
- Wand of magic missile
- Wand of make invisible
- Wand of nothing
- Wand of opening
- Wand of Orcus
- Wand of ore detection
- Wand of petrification
- Wand of polymorph
- Wand of probing
- Wand of resurrection
- Wand of secret door detection
- Wand of sleep
- Wand of slow monster
- Wand of speed monster
- Wand of striking
- Wand of teleportation
- Wand of town portal
- Wand of trap detection
- Wand of undead turning
- Wand of wishing
- Wands
- War hammer
- War troll
- Warg
- Warhorse
- Warning
- Warram
- Warrior
- Watch captain
- Watchman
- Water breathing
- Water demon
- Water elemental
- Water moccasin
- Water nymph
- Water troll
- Water walking
- Water walking boots
- Wax candle
- Weapon rack
- Weapons
- Werebane
- Werebear
- Werebear (Human form)
- Werejackal
- Werejackal (Human form)
- Wererat
- Wererat (Human form)
- Werewolf
- Werewolf (Human form)
- Whip (Skill)
- White dragon
- White dragon hatchling
- White dragon scale mail
- White dragon scales
- White lichen
- White unicorn
- Winged gargoyle
- Wings of flying
- Winter wolf
- Winter wolf cub
- Wisdom
- Wish
- Wishing Guide
- Wishless
- Wizard
- Wizard lock
- Wizard Mode
- Wizard of Yendor
- Wizard role
- Wizard's robe
- Wolf
- Wood golem
- Wood nymph
- Woodchuck
- Wooden flute
- Wooden harp
- Woodland elf
- Worm tooth
- Worthless piece of black glass
- Worthless piece of blue glass
- Worthless piece of green glass
- Worthless piece of orange glass
- Worthless piece of red glass
- Worthless piece of violet glass
- Worthless piece of white glass
- Worthless piece of yellow glass
- Worthless piece of yellowish brown glass
- Wraith
- Wraithblade
- Wraithlord
- Wrath of god
- Wumpus
- X ray vision
- Xan
- Xorn
- Ya
- Yacc
- Yeenaghu
- Yellow dragon
- Yellow dragon hatchling
- Yellow dragon scale mail
- Yellow dragon scales
- Yellow light
- Yellow mold
- Yeti
- Yumi
- Zen
- Zruty